Chapter 00-Act it out!

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"What happened?" the man exclaimed as he entered Zhang Zhehan's hospital room, addressing his aunt.

"I don't understand. Zhehan has been in a coma for over a month now. My son has never been so reckless before. He wouldn't get into a car accident for no reason, especially when he was about to start filming the series he was most excited about," the old woman solemnly said while sitting beside the comatose Zhehan.

Zhehan didn't know what to do or how to comfort his aunt in this situation. He stood silently on the side, watching the man lying before him. Despite the distance between them, they were good buddies and close cousins, and Zhehan was the only one who truly knew him.

"I'm taking him abroad, but I can't let this slide. My son is an actor, and I don't want to see his dream ruined because of this. He was really looking forward to this series. I'll handle it secretly. I want to find out who caused this to my son. You have to investigate it for me!" Zhehan was taken aback by his aunt's words. Confusion filled his eyes as he felt the tension in the room. Something didn't seem right about his aunt's tone and words, and he sensed that something unpleasant was about to unfold.

"Zhang Zhehan! Since you share the same name and face as my son, help me out! Help your cousin," demanded the woman.

"W-what do you mean?" Zhehan asked, unable to hide his nervousness.

"Take on my son's identity, act as him," the old woman said authoritatively.

In the depths of his gaze, serenity resides,
His smile, a beacon of warmth that guides.
With eyes like tranquil pools, a heavenly sight,
He looks upon me, casting a luminous light.
His presence, a celestial embrace,
A glimpse of paradise, a moment of grace.

In the tapestry of existence, he stands alone,
A masterpiece of beauty, to him, none can be known.
Like a rare flower in a garden divine,
He blossoms with grace, a sight so fine.
The springtime itself, in envy, surrenders,
For his radiance outshines all its splendors.
A creation of the gods, a celestial art,
He captivates souls, stealing every heart.
No words can capture his ethereal allure,
He's a symphony of wonders, forever pure.

As Zhehan delved into his diary, he couldn't help but facepalm himself. "Is this some kind of historical romantic novel, or does Zhehan actually belong to the ancient times, a thousand years ago?" he asked himself. The words were deep, filled with symbolism, and highly imaginative. If it weren't for knowing him personally, one might mistake him for a philosopher from centuries ago. He continued reading.

He sighed and looked at the diary once again, contemplating its contents. Once more, he let out a deep breath. "But why are all the entries solely about him? The 'no name' him?" he wondered.

He pondered this further until the last page of the diary surprised him.

"I hate him, I hate Gong Jun!" it read.

Finally, a name! Zhehan exclaimed, raising his hands in the air in celebration. As he did, something fell from the top of the cabinet and hit him on the head before landing on the ground.

Rubbing his head, he looked down to see what had fallen. It was another notebook. He picked it up and began reading from the first page.

"Another diary," he muttered.

"Zhang Zhehan, my graceful cousin and my closest confidant. He is as handsome as paradise, with an unmatched charm..."

"Why am I described in such a grandiose manner here?" he whispered.

"Sara, my best friend since childhood. Her smile is as cheerful as the sun. Her spirit is like the sea, and tends to always soaring freely in the vast sky."

"Damn it, Zhehan! I know you love poetry, but could you tone it down?" he exclaimed in his mind.

"Wait, why do I feel like I'm cursing myself?" Zhehan sighed once again and continued reading the diary.

"Let's see what this diary has to offer."

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