Chapter 06- Reason

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"I apologize," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"I'm truly sorry for my actions, but everything I've said is true. You just need to listen to me," Zhehan added, his tears a testament to the depth of his regret.

Gong Jun heaved a deep sigh, his gaze drifting towards the overcast sky. It seemed as though the heavens were mirroring his turmoil, the clouds heavy with the threat of an impending storm.

"I'm sorry," Gong Jun echoed, still looking skyward

"I've hurt you in the past, and I am deeply sorry for that. I deceived you, and now I've been deceived too. We're even now," Gong Jun confessed, his voice filled with regret.

His gaze softened as he turned back to Zhehan, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and longing. He yearned to reach out, to love, but his mind urged him to let go.

"I love you, you are my dearest sunshine, you've guided me throughout my journey and you're my ray of hope. Your kindness remains, whether now or in the past, I don't know why you did what you did, but you're still my savior, Zhang Zhehan," he thought to himself as he locked eyes with Zhehan.

"Please forgive me for loving you this way, for someone as lovely as you, I don't deserve you. Let's part ways," he said, offering Zhehan a faint smile of understanding.

Zhehan's heart shattered at Gong Jun's words as he released his grip on Gong Jun's hand, feeling a sharp pain slowly wound his heart.

He looked at Gong Jun and met his gaze, offering a faint smile despite the tears glistening in his eyes. "You're right, I made a mistake. I love you, but I don't deserve you."

Their eyes held a shared sadness, but also a sense of relief. Every facade was now vanishing like bubbles in the wind.

It was the end, the last chapter, their endgame, where they both lost to love. Their eyes met one last time, carrying a silent understanding that this was goodbye. As Gong Jun turned to leave, Zhehan watched him go, the pain in his heart a sharp contrast to the calmness of his face.

"Is it over now?" Gong Jun whispered to himself, his heart heavy with unspoken words and unshed tears.

His question hung in the air, unanswered, as he walked away, leaving behind a chapter of his life that was filled with love, pain, and lessons learned. He carried the memories with him, a reminder of a love that was, and a love that could never be.


The strain on their relationship reached a breaking point when Gong Jun, guided by his fears, made decisions without considering Zhehan's desires. His words, intended to safeguard their love, were misconstrued, leading to a painful rift between them. Zhehan, feeling misunderstood and confined, accused Gong Jun of manipulation and control, unable to comprehend the depth of his partner's love and concern.

"Are you not happy enough? You got what you want isn't it?." Zhehan stated as he stands infront of Gong Jun welling up.

"It's not what you think, I just protecting you. You've misunderstand me" Gong Jun spoke defending his side.

"Misunderstand what?!, what the edges of those words did I misunderstand?!," Zhehan exclaimed.

"Is that when you say you've used me?, Is that when you said I'm so fragile and weak?, nor is that when you said you just forced to friend me? Please tell me what the hell of those words I misunderstand." Zhehan added.

Silence had come between them Gong Jun don't know how to mutter a word to explain himself. He knows he hurt Zhehan deeply, but he can't defend himself from the reason behind it.

"It is not what you think it is, what you heard is not everything," Only word Gong Jun can say infront of Zhehan.

"I did it to protect you" he stated.

"Then please tell me, where the heck on those words comes the element of protecting" zhehan said declining all of Gong Jun's words to his head.

He just couldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it.

" Despite being mature you're always so reckless Zhehan, you do what you desires to do and don't listen, your like a bird flying freely without any sense of storm, I just make a choice for you to stay" Gong Jun explained.

Zhehan look at him with tears in his eyes, at that time all he can feel is just remorse and hatred as to he never tried to understand every words Gong Jun state.

"Don't make excuses, you just want to trapped me seal me in a cage, you just don't want my freedom that's why you do that?."

Gong Jun breathes and look at Zhehan.

"Is that what you think of me? Then sure I'm indeed I, I want to trapped you here to stay, if you don't believe me how can I explain?." Gong Jun states.

Zhehan just breathes in and look directly at his eyes.

"How foolish I was to trust your words, I let myself get close to you until it lead me through this way, whatever opportunity comes you just blocked it and shatter, you said its to protect me but your just trapping me. Gong Jun your just becoming obsessed I shouldn't have trust in you."

In the midst of their heated exchange, Zhehan stormed out, leaving Gong Jun shattered and filled with remorse.

Hearing those words Gong Jun felts that the world suddenly shatters around him, his heart broke in a thousand pieces and feels like he suddenly fade away. He don't know what to do, Zhehan hate him.

Zhehan didn't give him any chance to speak, Zhehan didn't even give him a turn to defend himself.

" It's all for you." Gong Jun mutters.

"Yes, it's true that I fooled you, I also lie to them about you, but it's because I need to, I want to have you all by myself."

" I love you!" He exclaimed but no one hears him other than the wind.

As the misery surge in his heart by a sudden abandonment, hatred forms inside his heart as he mutters.

" I hate you." In the wind.

They drifted apart that day like a fading glow of the stars, but just like everything was against it they been brought back up.

Fate, in its mysterious ways, brought them face to face once again. In a circumstances they didn't expect. Making way for everything to fill their spaces.

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