Chapter 08- Back to precious days

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Zhehan and Gong Jun found themselves in a picturesque park, enveloped by tranquility and natural beauty. They sat on a wooden bench, positioned strategically to provide a serene view of a magnificently crafted fountain. The soothing sound of cascading water filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance.

Zhehan gazed at the fountain before them and remarked, "It's such a lovely spot to relax, isn't it?"

Gong Jun nodded in agreement, a gentle smile adorning his face. Zhehan observed him, a flicker of happiness evident in Zhehan's eyes. However, beneath that glimmer of joy, there lingered a hint of concern, stemming from the silence that Gong Jun seemed to have enveloped himself in.

"Why are you so quiet? Is there something you don't like about it?" Zhehan inquired, his tone filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Gong Jun shook his head slightly, avoiding direct eye contact. Zhehan, though troubled by Gong Jun's reaction, decided to remain silent, averting his gaze as well. Doubt began to weigh heavily on his mind as uncertainty loomed between them.

Little did he know, Gong Jun glanced back at him with a meaningful eye full of affection and sincerety.

Gong Jun couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a rush of emotions whenever he looked at Zhehan. His heart swelled with affection and admiration, and he found himself constantly yearning for more moments in Zhehan's presence.

Every stolen glance was a stolen treasure, a secret moment of connection that made Gong Jun's heart race. Each shared conversation was a glimpse into Zhehan's world, an opportunity to unravel the layers of his personality and delve deeper into their bond.

Zhehan's infectious laughter had a mesmerizing effect on Gong Jun. It echoed in his ears, lighting up his spirit and bringing a smile to his face. It was as if Zhehan held the power to lift his mood and brighten his world with just a simple chuckle.

But it was more than just the surface-level charm that drew Gong Jun in. It was Zhehan's genuine warmth and authenticity that captivated him. The way he effortlessly radiated positivity and kindness made Gong Jun feel safe and cherished.

Every moment spent with Zhehan was a precious memory etched into Gong Jun's heart. He cherished their time together, treasuring every shared experience and appreciating the way Zhehan brought joy and light into his life.

In Gong Jun's eyes, Zhehan was a beacon of light, an irreplaceable presence that made his world brighter and worthy to live on.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, unable to tear his eyes away from Zhehan. The enchanting ambiance of the place only heightened Zhehan's charm, overwhelming him with a wave of emotions. The scenery seemed to effortlessly complement Zhehan's presence, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere that added to the allure of the moment.

The more Gong Jun got to know Zhehan, the more he realized just how deeply his love for him had grown.

His heart swelled with a mixture of emotions. The tranquil surroundings and the soothing sound of the nearby fountain provided the perfect backdrop for him to reflect on the depth of his feelings for Zhehan.

He couldn't help but be captivated by Zhehan's presence. Every glance, every smile, every word uttered by Zhehan had the power to send waves of warmth and affection coursing through Gong Jun's veins. It was as if Zhehan held a magnetic pull over him, drawing him closer with each passing moment.

Gong Jun admired Zhehan's free-spirited nature, his ability to embrace life with such zest and enthusiasm. There was an infectious energy about Zhehan that seemed to light up the world around him, and Gong Jun found himself irresistibly drawn to that light.

But along with the joy and admiration came a sense of apprehension. Gong Jun couldn't help but wonder if his feelings were reciprocated, if Zhehan saw him in the same light. He feared that revealing his emotions would risk their friendship, and he cherished their bond too much to jeopardize it.

Everytime Zhehan smile at him a mix of emotions swirled within him. He wanted to express his love, to let Zhehan know the depth of his affection, but the fear of rejection held him back. He chose to stay silent, fearing that his words might be met with confusion or discomfort.

Zhehan's concern was evident in his eyes as he continuously stole glances at Gong Jun. The uncertainty in Gong Jun's stare only added to Zhehan's confusion, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Are you really alright?" he asked, his words laced with worry.

Gong Jun's heart raced within him, a mix of emotions consuming his thoughts. Doubt and uncertainty ate away at him, making it difficult for him to find the words to express the love that swelled inside him. He smiled at Zhehan, but the sadness in his eyes gave away the turmoil hiding within.

In that moment, Gong Jun's gaze shifted, his eyes filled with a mixture of uncertainty and sorrow as he lowered his gaze to the ground. He longed to reveal his true feelings to Zhehan, to let him know how his presence illuminated his world and brought him a sense of wholeness. However, the fear of disrupting their delicate friendship held him back, as he couldn't bear the thought of losing Zhehan from his life.

The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, suffocating Gong Jun's heart. He wanted to hold Zhehan's hand, to take that leap of faith and confess the love that had been kept hidden for so long. But the fear of rejection and the unknown nature of Zhehan's feelings kept him paralyzed, caught in the midst of inner conflict.

And so, Gong Jun chose to remain silent, carrying the burden of unexpressed emotions within him.

He feared the potential consequences of sharing his true feelings, afraid that it might disrupt the delicate balance of their friendship or worse, lead to rejection.

As the silence lingered between them, Gong Jun's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. He yearned to take Zhehan's hand, to find the strength to disclose the depth of his love. But the fear of losing what they currently had prevailed over his desire for emotional honesty.

With a heavy heart, Gong Jun looked deeply into Zhehan's eyes, searching for solace and understanding. Zhehan, sensing Gong Jun's inner turmoil, urged him to speak his mind.

"You can tell me anything, Gong Jun. I'm here to listen," Zhehan reassured him, his voice filled with compassion and genuine concern.

Gong Jun's heart skipped a beat at Zhehan's words, his palms growing clammy as he grappled with the overwhelming emotions within him. He took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak his truth, yet a wave of hesitation washed over him.

Shaking his head, Gong Jun forced a smile on his face, attempting to reassure Zhehan that he was indeed alright. But deep down, the ache of unspoken words and the yearning for a deeper connection with Zhehan gnawed at his soul.

"You really are an angel," Gong Jun whispered, his voice barely audible. The words slipped from his lips, betraying the depth of his emotions. It was a subtle confession, a hint of the love that burned within him.

Zhehan's eyes widened with surprise, his expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation. He could sense that there was something more behind Gong Jun's words, something left unspoken. But he respected Gong Jun's boundaries, allowing silence to fill the air once again.

In that moment, as they sat together on the park bench, Gong Jun's love for Zhehan blazed brightly, a flame that he vowed to keep alive, even if it remained concealed for now.

And perhaps, one day, the timing would be right, the fear would dissipate, and Gong Jun would find the strength to express the depth of his affection. Until then, he would cherish their friendship, savoring each stolen glance and secret smile, finding solace in the unspoken connection they shared.

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