Zhou Zi Shu's Hearts: Taken Identity

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Every night, Zhou Zi Shu finds himself immersed in the coolness and warmth of the autumn and winter breeze, which fills his soul with a captivating beauty. However, as time passes, this beauty transforms into a tumultuous storm.

Zhou Zi Shu is caught in a whirlpool of emotions that overtake him, burying him beneath their weight. The sorrowful gaze of the grass and the withered flower are his only companions.

During the peaceful daylight hours, a sense of hope emerges as the gentle wind caresses his skin, embracing his very being and offering respite from the challenges he faces.

Yet, the more solemn the atmosphere feels, the deeper he is buried. It is no longer a breath of fresh air, but rather a facade of hope that he does not wish to embrace.

Zhou Zi Shu does not find solace in the night, nor does he desire to find it in the day. He longs for release, to move past the dramatic turmoil of his mind. Is he destined to wander aimlessly through this world?

The feeling of ultimate tranquility, the missing solace, eludes him in his life.

However, everything changed when he saw him. He appeared in his dreams, but who is he? What is his purpose? Why does the arrival of this mysterious man mark the end of the blue seasons as though they never existed? Zhou Zi Shu is left stunned. Who is he?

His heart is torn between embracing him and holding onto the fragments of his dream. It cannot be true; he cannot be real. Just another illusion, like the peaceful wind that rustles in the morning.

Throughout his life, Zhou Zi Shu held onto this belief. Until he saw him. The very figure of him exists in his dreams, right before his eyes.

He yearns to uncover the truth, to put an end to it all. But what use would it serve? In the state he is in now, he is not himself.

For the longest time, he held onto the belief that his name was his, that his life belonged to him. However, he now realizes that it was never really him. The name Zhang Zhehan is his true identity. It has been lost and stolen, taken away from him in plain sight. He is left feeling as though he has no right to reclaim what was once his.

The life he once had, the emotions he expressed, the love he felt... everything was taken, without his knowledge. When he woke up and remembered everything, it was all behind him. What should he do? He is imprisoned by boundless emotions and a restless mind. His heart longs for love and a tranquil place.

He yearns to put an end to it all, to reclaim who he truly is. But he cannot. It is too late. Even if he were to reclaim his name, it is the only thing they can return to him.

It is hopeless. Hatred ignites within him. Is there truly any hope for someone with a conflicted heart?

He despises him. Even in his past and present selves, he remains unjust.

If anyone were to possess a face like his, Zhou Zi Shu swears he would no longer trust that person.

The person from his dreams will no longer be Gong Jun. He has been removed from his life. And so, the person he longed for the most was not him.

He has named him. Wen ke xing
I yearn to put an end to it all, to reclaim who I truly am. But I cannot. It is too late. Even if I were to reclaim my name, it is the only thing they can return to me.

It is hopeless. Hatred ignites within me. Is there truly any hope for someone with a conflicted heart?

I despise him. Even in my past and present selves, he remains unjust.

If anyone were to possess a face like his, I swear I would no longer trust that person.

The person from my dreams will no longer be Gong Jun. He has been removed from my life. And so, the person I longed for the most was not him.

I have named him Wen Ke Xing.

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