Chapter 03- Date Me

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As the filming commenced, the cast and crew gathered to execute the scene.

"Alright, everyone, it's time to start shooting the scene!" declared the director enthusiastically. "Gong Jun, your role is to sit in front of Sara, our talented female lead. Sara, your task is to gaze at the window where Zhehan will be standing. Remember, let your emotions shine through! Your primary focus should be on expressing a combination of tears and relief. Zhehan holds the responsibility for driving this scene forward," the director explained with passion.

Gong Jun looked at the director with a mixture of worry and nervousness evident in his eyes. He obediently followed the instructions, absorbing the weight of the moment.

"Now, Zhehan, you will enter with a gift in hand. Do you understand what needs to be done once you see them?" the director instructed Zhehan.

Gong Jun freezes and averted his head to the ground." Director, are the scenes needs to be like this?. " whispered Gong Jun he don't know why the scene have to be like that but only he know was it's adding fuel to the fire.

The film revolves around the complex relationship between Gong Jun's character and Zhehan's character. The girl in question is Zhehan's girlfriend, while Gong Jun is a close friend of the girl. In this scene, Zhehan catches a glimpse of them together, leading to a cascade of emotions. The girl saw him and cry however but he saw was a tears of relief and not anything about guilt or sorrow. Gong Jun's character, however, remains oblivious to the unfolding drama. Zhehan hastily jumps to conclusions, sparking the catalyst for the misunderstanding.

Gong Jun sighed in frustration, his hand instinctively meeting his face. "Is it so hard for the director to not create such complicated scenes? Are you helping me create a war?"

Once the filming wrapped up, Gong Jun hastily made his way out of the stage, eager to retreat to his trailer and seek solace in seclusion. However, before he could escape, Zhehan intercepted him, halting his frantic retreat.

"Wait!" Zhehan exclaimed tightly holding his hands "Where are you going now?" Zhehan asked seriousness is evicted in his eyes.

"Every time we meet, you get lost in your thoughts. Afterwards, you rush out. How can we talk like this?" Zhehan stated, wearing a worried expression.

Gong Jun's locked eyes with Zhehan and the familiar surge of emotions washed over him once more, evoking a sense of vulnerability. However, this time, rather than confronting those feelings, he made a deliberate choice. He forcebly denies it and decided to respond to Zhehan with a disguised lie.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," Gong Jun said concealing the depth of the emotions that still lingered within him.

"But I'm not!" Zhehan exclaimed, his voice filled with diplomacy as he looked at Gong Jun, his gaze filled with curiosity and eagerness to understand Gong Jun's true feelings.

Gong Jun become startled and surprised on the spot. He looked at Zhehan feeling confused about what Zhehan had just said and why he had exclaimed.

"Why can't you be honest with me? We are filming this series, aren't we? We are the lead roles. As things stand, we need to communicate, or how can we carry it out flawlessly?" Zhehan said.

Upon hearing this, Gong Jun felt a pang of sadness and disappointment weighing on his mind. It felt as if he had been pushed to the depths of despair and couldn't find a way back up.

He lowered his head and softly murmured, "So that's it."

(So all those caring words and actions were simply for the sake of this series), he whispered in his thoughts as he smiled and nodded at Zhehan.

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