Chapter 09- From a distance

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Gong Jun discovered himself in the midst of a crowded street, burdened by the heaviness of a broken relationship. His gaze was fixed on a figure in the distance - Zhehan, the person he had once loved, but now lost. Despite his yearning to approach him, the pain caused by their severed connection held him back.

(If only I could witness your smile again, the smile that belongs solely to me, I would no longer feel this painful regret that consumes me.) He whispered softly, his eyes focused on Zhehan.

Day after day, Gong Jun would find himself in the same spot, observing Zhehan from a distance. He admired Zhehan's resilience and strength, as he continued to shine brightly despite the physical and emotional distance between them. Gong Jun couldn't help but be captivated by Zhehan's ability to overcome their broken bond.

As time passed, Gong Jun's longing for Zhehan grew stronger, yet he struggled to find the words or the courage to bridge the gap that had formed between them. The wounds of their past mistakes remained fresh, and he dreaded the thought of reopening them, fearing that it would only lead to more pain.

(I deeply apologize for pushing you away, for not giving you a second chance. I am sorry for becoming a coward consumed by hatred within my own heart. I am truly sorry, Zhehan.) He murmured into the wind.

Gong Jun's days were filled with a mix of hope and regret. He yearned for the warmth of Zhehan's presence, but he knew that their shattered relationship made it impossible for him to approach. Instead, he silently cheered Zhehan on from a distance, celebrating his accomplishments and quietly sharing in his happiness.

He reminisced about the days when he longed for Zhehan, until today, where he stood by his wide window, gazing at the sun in the sky.

"I still can't fathom that I find myself in the same predicament as before. It's peculiar how history repeats itself between us," he muttered.

He couldn't believe that he would repeat the same actions as before.

Like a shadow lurking in the dark, he observed Zhehan from a distance, not because of their broken past, but due to the fear in his own heart.

Unaware of Gong Jun's constant presence, Zhehan continued to live his life, pursuing his dreams and passions. From afar, he seemed content, with a radiant happiness surrounding him, masking any hint of pain. However, deep within his heart, a wound remained, aching each time a memory resurfaced.

His heart shattered with each passing moment, struggling to breathe, yearning for Gong Jun to be by his side.

He sighed into the air, murmuring, "I truly am skilled at pretending." Tears welled up in his eyes as he whispered, "I'm sorry, please come back," into the empty space.

He longed to be a part of Gong Jun's world once more, to share in his laughter and wipe away his tears. However, the divide between them felt insurmountable.

Gong Jun noticed a tinge of sadness on Zhehan's face, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. It was a glimpse of the strong facade he had meticulously built.

Gong Jun's heart ached, desperately wanting to offer comfort.

He wished he could convey to Zhehan that he was still there, silently supporting him. But all he could do was stand and watch from afar.

Like impenetrable walls, the distance between them was solid, unyielding to any effort he made.

Their relationship was like a decaying leaf, falling away, a tree longing to grow, now vanished. In his heart, he acknowledged that their relationship had faded far beyond the reaches of mere physical distance.

"I'm sorry, Zhehan," he whispered, leaving Zhehan behind in the distance.

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