Ch.55 - A day in the life...

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Izuku was sitting on the lounge room couch of Ryukyu's penthouse, twiddling his thumbs. Once again, he was waiting for his draconic partner to arrive so they could go down to the vault together.

Tempest had already passed the boy's cortex to reach the core and give them privacy, though not before requesting 'juicy deets' later. Izuku had naturally inquired why she couldn't just look over Ryuko's memories. But according to the Sass-tile, her sister had improved at keeping Tempest out of her recollections. Izuku learned the hostess could feel when Tempest would try to comb her mind, so when she detected her getting into things she didn't want the mental sibling to know, Ryuko would hit her with thunderous thoughts, everything from air horns to vuvuzelas to high-pitched static, effectively tossing an audio flash bang at Tempest's face.

Regardless, Izuku made no promises to give details, much to the sassy lizard's whining.

All too soon, the boy heard footsteps as Ryuko stepped into the room. "Hey."

The look she gave him was firm but carried uncertainty that perhaps even Ryuko couldn't quite place. He made a small wave as he stood up. "Hey. Did you manage to get past Eri?"

"Yes, she was asleep still the last I saw..."


Meanwhile, in Ryuko's room, Eri opened a single eye, scanning the room cautiously before sliding herself delicately off the bed. Dropping on her tippy toes and crouching low, trying to remain as quiet as possible, the girl narrowed her eyes like a secret agent in the most dramatic spy movies.

"Time for Operation Candy Search..."

She stealthily walked around the bedroom, pulling open drawers and wardrobes, even checking under the bed as she recalled her conversation with Kota. The girl had reached one conclusion. If she were to find the goods for the candy-eating parties, she'd have to search for them. She already knew her Mama and Papa were engaging in these parties in the middle of the night. After all, they didn't deny it when she accused them before, and what else could they possibly be doing?

Besides, the parents only made the girl swear she wouldn't tell others what they were doing at night. They never said she couldn't search for their hidden candy stash. The girl had no doubt the potential loot would be plentiful, and she was more than responsible enough to avoid cavities.

'I'll just eat all the candy slowly. Problem solved.'

Closing up all the places she searched once more after finding nothing, Eri cupped her chin in thought, picturing an endless supply of candy apples as her gaze rested on the door to the room.

"Mama has to be keeping them somewhere..."


"...So we should be fine to go down into the vault."

Izuku nodded at Ryuko as he gestured to the elevator, trying to steel his nerves as he did so. "Right, let's go."

Out of Place & Out of Sortsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें