Ch.17 - Sleepovers & Dragons

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Ryuko smiled at the ecstatic horned child as Midoriya grinned sheepishly beside her.

"Yes, for tonight at least." She replied.

It was now late in the day, and the other interns had left, save Nejire, who was now comatose in one of the rooms used by interns when they stayed over, completely spent from all her tasks. Although, despite her efforts today, Nejire would likely need to spend several days finishing everything Ryuko had put on that list.

The dragoon hero had made sure of that much...

Apparently, Froppy and Uravity had studies they needed to catch up on, though they'd wanted to stay over too. When they left, Ryuko couldn't help but notice a peculiar look of concern on the brunette girl's face, but she decided not to question it.

The pro already had enough on her plate.

"S-So, what should we do first?" Midoriya asked as the trio made their way to the elevator.

Ryuko turned to Eri. "What would you like to do, sweetie." She said, internally bracing herself for more movie repeats.

The girl folded her arms, closing her eyes in thought. "I think...-"

Ryuko could feel her face tightening up anxiously.

"-Hrmmmmmmmmmmmmm~... I don't know." The girl said somewhat dejectedly.

"You... don't?" Ryuko mouthed in half awe.

Eri shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired of the video games... and I think I've seen 'How To Train Your Dragon' enough. I feel like doing something different..."

Ryuko dropped to her knees, taking Eri into her arms and holding her tight against her chest. Eri looked more than a little bewildered as Midoriya watched on dumbly.

"Ah... Mama?" The girl said, staring up at her mother uncertainly.

"Don't worry, Eri. You don't have to watch those movies ever again. Variety is the spice of life!" Ryuko cheered as she stroked the girl's hair.

Eri protested mildly. "Ahhh... I'm not sure about ever-"

"Ever again." Ryuko renewed, still stroking the child's hair in a desperate soothing gesture.

"Um... ok," Eri said, confused but agreeing anyway.

Ryuko, I get where you're coming from. But you're making a scene, and Midoriya is right there.

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