Ch.43 - Hydro Pandering

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A breeze rushed through the air, warm and inviting as it swept along the coast of the sandy beach.

Izuku laid back on a towel as he watched the crashing ocean waves, dressed in dark swimming trunks.

Beside him was Ryuko, wearing a light jacket, watching along with him, at ease and taking in the bounty of the moment.

The boy sat silently, contemplating something as the woman beside him began to speak.

"Izuku... there's something I need to tell you."

The boy turned, looking at her thoughtfully. "What is it?"

Ryuko coloured, her voice struggling to come forth as she tried to express the feelings in her heart, the soft sounds of the sea at odds with its loud beating.

"I... it's hard to put this into words, but I've become very fond of you.-"

There was a look of part doubt and part awe on the boy's face, causing her to elaborate, her already red features dyeing a deeper crimson.

"-I suppose I'm saying that even accounting for the mark... I like you, Izuku... A lot... in ways that I've never felt before. I know that this is wrong and that I shouldn't feel this way, but I didn't know what else-"

Izuku raised his hand for her to stop as he smiled widely at her. "It's ok... I like you too."

Ryuko's face just froze in place from shock. "Oh... R-Really?"

He nodded happily. "Yeah, really. Sure this is very unconventional and legally dubious, but I think we can make this work."

"Not to repeat myself, but really? I can only see this working if we wait until you're older-"

"And I can wait. We've been through a lot together, and I think we can do this. I want to be with you, Ryuko."

Ryuko broke into a tentative but warm smile. "I... I don't know what to say... This is more than I could've hoped for."

"Can I... have a kiss?"

Ryuko's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at the sudden question. "W-What?"

The boy scratched the back of his head with a blush. "I know we're supposed to wait and everything... but it's just one kiss, and no one else is around right now."

Ryuko looked around in concern in case anyone was hiding nearby. "We really shouldn't... A-And this is a bit premature, isn't it...? Even if we were a normal couple."

"Well, you don't have to... I just figured one quick kiss wouldn't hurt."

Izuku looked incredibly disappointed, so much so that Ryuko didn't even question how forward the boy was being right now.

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