0.31: The Party Part 3

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Seneca enjoyed his book. The Cape of Fear was his favorite military history, written by one of Soran's foremost admirals, Julian Arran. It detailed naval battles throughout the ages, how the combatants lived, died, won, and lost.

While the autobiography held most of his attention, he always kept a part of his mind in the room. He'd picked up the habit in the field: no matter what he was doing, no matter how engrossing it might be, a core part of his focus would remain attuned to his surroundings.

Now that sense told him to watch for Banjo's interference. The kid seemed eager to please, but perhaps a little too eager. One could never really tell in the First Ring.

Although he himself cast magic instinctually at times, Seneca had never seen someone do it so unconsciously without training. It wasn't unheard of, but it was rare enough to be doubted. 

Education was an obvious solution: he could monitor Banjo more closely to confirm whether he was naive and gifted, or a little too cunning.

Alaria made even less sense. She was painfully out of place in this apartment: even dressed down in her ill-fitting cloak, she was the only thing worth looking at. Seneca still didn't understand why Alaria had changed her mind or what price she'd exacted from Marcus. 

Throughout the night he'd prodded her to see if she might give some hint, but the his old friend was all too familiar with prying men trying to take her secrets.

Marcus was perhaps the most confusing of all. Why did he try to cast Music Magic? What was he tryin' to make us feel? None of the others would have registered the slight shift in their leader's aura, but they could never pull any tricks on one another. Seneca didn't know if Marcus had observed his careful eye. Does he want to cast Courage himself?

Marcus had clearly realized Banjo was casting magic too. He planted his feet more firmly onto the ground and drawn his muscles just slightly more taught to make himself look bigger. He looked more confident. He felt like a leader. 


Marcus had waited all night for the perfect moment to begin his speech, when his motley crew had had enough time for introductions and feel a budding connection with one another. He'd prepared remarks earlier that day, knowing his words could fan their fire if only they hit the right way. When he felt the time was right, he motioned Mika and Angelica to sit so he could have everybody's attention. The boys looked at him with wonder and he took solace in that, while Mika and Alaria had a mixed look of confusion and surprise. Only Seneca and Angelica looked at him with friendly, encouraging faces. They'd known him the longest, of course, and they knew what he needed to accomplish with this speech. With a smile from Angelica as encouragement, he began: 

"This is the most important moment of your lives. This is the night we tell the world 'No, we will not stand idly by while our home is threatened by gangs and governments. We will not be restrained by the bloated hand of the Upper Rings. We will not let chaos be our neighbor.

"Tonight we become one team, one unit with one goal: To save Soran from itself. Tonight we choose to fight.

Tonight we cement ourselves as the last bastion of hope that this godsforesaken city has. We declare that we will achieve and keep the peace, a peace for today and a peace for our children.

"I see a Soran without Rings. A Soran that holds all its citizen in esteem and treats us like human beings, not rats.

"I see a Soran that no longer sends its children to die in pointless wars with faraway kingdoms. One that can solve its problems through diplomacy rather than violence, yet is strong enough not to be trifled with. We will seek no battles, but we will finish them with brutal effectiveness.

"I see a Soran where our citizens don't cower in fear of gangs and their wanton violence. Where our meals aren't taken from us at knife point. Where we don't have to befriend shadows because the light is too dangerous.

"We will bring peace to the Soran, and we'll start with the First Ring. The rot is deep within our city and we will weed it out from its darkest dens. We will burn the heart of this evil so it can never again rise and overtake our home. We are the guardians of peace and good.

"Make no mistake: nothing about our task is easy. We face killers and prejudice and the most powerful government on the Continent. But we face them with pride in our hearts, knowin' while they stand for chaos and oppression, we shall have none of it. We fight for justice. We shall take our freedom from them and show them there is a better way.

"Embrace this challenge. Know that each one you face brings you closer to that goal. Closer to a safe home for you and your family. Closer to a wealth that isn't stolen from you before it's even yours. Closer to peace."


Banjo wondered whether Marcus truly believed what he was saying or was merely the greatest actor of his generation. As their leader continued his speech, Banjo realized he was strumming unconsciously to its cadence. He searched himself as Seneca had instructed and found Courage. It was a sensation he'd never felt before and he realized he did believe in Marcus's vision. He believed in Marcus. His hand played a few soft tones and a subtle wash of bravery filled the room.

He looked around and saw the tense faces of his comrades lighten as though Marcus's words took some part of their everyday burden off their shoulders. Eventually he caught Seneca's raised eye. The keen man nodded slowly then turned back to see Marcus in his element.

Does Marcus use the same magic as me? Banjo watched the man even more intently now, but felt nothing but passion and conviction. Marcus's power this night came from his words alone. Banjo felt those words sink into him. Move him. Change him. Inspire him. Those words and this man would surely upset the entire order of Soran.

The Old CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora