0.30: The Party Part 2

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Alaria enjoyed being the center of attention, even when it merely meant flirting with these boys. She fanned the embers of childish hope that shone in their eyes and watched them bend to her.

"What a lovely song, and even lovelier voice!" she praised, touching Banjo's leg like a feather. "I should love another."

The musician lit up at her compliment. "I-I know the whole ca-canon of Cavasse and more. What would p-please you to hear?" Banjo was trying to sharpen his enunciation, shying away from his normal accent just enough to sound artificial in a vain attempt to sound more sophisticated.

He is adorable when he fumbles his words.

Beside her, Fagin puffed his chest as wide as his small frame would allow. He pulled out all his boyish charm to hold Alaria's attention and his soft chin was pointed up to the heavens in a show of confidence as he explained his adventures.

"Agoroth was this great pirate from two hundred years ago. They say he built the greatest treasure this side of the Shiorah, and that it's sunk somewhere off the coast. Me and my buddies have been searchin'. Four times a week we jump aboard a ship and dive."

"How brave! You must be the youngest diver in the city."

"I'm no kid, I'm already nine and I'm one of the best divers in the city! The other kids can't make it more than fifty meters but I can go over one hundred! Mika's been trainin' me since I was a kid."

"I would love to see one of your dives. It sounds exciting. And can I tell you a secret? Marcus couldn't even do that at your age."

Fagin beamed with pride, warming Alaria's heart just a little. His smile transported her back her simpler youth, days when she explored the city with Marcus and Seneca and watched sunsets free of the of adulthood's responsibilities.

Alaria bent toward him conspiratorially, "When you find that treasure, make sure to save something pretty for me."

The boy's eyes widened. "Will there be a reward for a share of the treasure?"

With the subtlest downward flick of her eyes, she brought Fagin's gaze to her bust, now tantalizingly visible while she leaned over. He blushed like a peach then looked up when he realized he was staring. But her face was no less enticing. As soon as he made eye contact again, he was in Alaria's trance. Her deep emerald eyes were an even more potent weapon than her figure.

This happened to many of her younger men. Inexperienced with women, especially one who practiced her seduction like Alaria, they grew flustered. The accidental slip of her clothing, a slight slur to her words, the bat of her eyelash, a stare so deep that one felt she could look into his soul. These were her tools.

If I ever have a kid, I hope he is as sweet as Fagin. Nine is a good age, not so young that you can't hold a conversation but not old enough to be jaded. We were so innocent then...

Occasionally Alaria met Marcus's eye. He stood on the far side of the room talking with Mika and Angelica. In many ways he still looked like the boy she'd known. His charming, playful brown eyes, the smile that lit up rooms, that cocksure swagger. Yet in other ways he still proved a stranger. His face was turned low to the others, talking in hushed tones so others might not overhear.

Always plotting. She didn't want to be part of those conversations, but she was anxious to hear what they wanted her to do next.

Unease had swept over her the moment Marcus had left her quarters the other night. When they were together, they were kids again and despite her best efforts he had talked her into doing everything he wanted. But as soon as he was gone, she realized the enormity of what she'd committed to.

This was a revolution. How many of us will die before we're done? What does 'done' even look like?

These were thoughts she pushed out of her head. The first thing she'd learned as a girl at the Huron House was to compartmentalize her thoughts.

Tonight is not about me. Marcus needs this group to coalesce. This is your job, Alaria. Help him put the others at ease. It's no different from every other night...just another client...just another job...

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