0.27: Alliance

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The mist was heavier tonight and clung to Firkaan's throat. Dozens of eyes hawked him and his three hooded companions as they swaggered down the street into Black Phoenix territory. One has a hulking man whose mountainous broadsword was taller than any man. He was wider than the rest of the group combined. The second was slender with curved features. Her precise steps gave the impression that she glided over the ground rather than walked upon it. Firkaan's third companion trailed the others a little, taking in their surroundings. His gnarled staff curled up to a point, housing a diamond gem, glowing with his red energy.

"Scrawny bears should stay in their wood. You have no business here."

Twenty men in black vests appeared around them, silently stepping out from the mist. The speaker was Horat, a rotund man in his late thirties who now pointed his short sword at Firkaan's throat.

"We do, actually. I have a message for Lucien."

"Lucien won't talk with pups like you. Why don't you give me the message and I'll pass it on."

Firkaan smiled and walked into Horat so the blade pressed against the skin of his throat. "Lord Marek instructed me to give this message to Lucien and Mordat, not a lackey. If you insist on blocking me, I will go through you."

The atmosphere grew heavy as everybody drew their weapons. Twisted smiles appeared on each Silver Bear's face, excitement building with each second the threat persisted. Firkaan's personal squad comprised their most experienced mages and they hadn't gotten their fill in the battle against Granada. They yearned for a fight.

"Now, now." Mordat shimmered onto the road and placed his hand on Horat's blade. The junior lieutenant retracted his sword and stepped back. "That boy Marek intrigues me. I want to hear this message."

"You'll do," Firkaan said, acknowledging his Black Phoenix counterpart. "Marek has a proposal. There are new threats on the horizon, new threats we don't know. Whoever intervened in our fight is still at large. The soldiers who were captured last night are not the last. Marek proposes a truce and an alliance."

Mordat chuckled. "That's rich after you destroyed one of our strongholds. We lost many men. Lucien will have his pound of flesh for that."

"Lord Marek understood that could be a sticky point and he is willing to discuss reparations. But our squabble is less important now. The First Ring is different than it was two weeks ago. Someone plots against us. You don't know what's happening, but you know something is wrong. I see it in your eyes and the fact that more Phoenix are patrolling these streets than ever before."

"How do you know we didn't smuggle those soldiers in? I could be upset that my shipment was sabotaged."

"I shall keep some secrets to myself, lieutenant. Lord Marek may share more when Lucien meets him face to face. We suggest the Bazaar as a neutral site."

Sending Firkaan proved that Marek's offer was serious. Strong though he was, the werewolf could not expect to escape unscathed having ventured so deep into their territory. Unless the proposal were of great importance, Marek would not have risked his lieutenant like this.

"I shall bring this proposal to Lord Lucien. A fair warning: he does not take kindly to traps. If a single Silver Bear so much as spits on one of ours, we will turn our talons to you, wolf."

Firkaan raised an eyebrow and assessed Mordat properly for the first time. The second in command of the Black Phoenix exuded control. The foot soldiers watched him with anticipation, ready to execute any order at a moment's notice. Even with his aura suppressed, Mordat's magic felt nasty, vindictive even, like it wanted to attack him for merely existing.

"Marek is a man of his word. Until they speak and if they come to terms, no harm will come to your grunts."

"You shall have our response tomorrow. Expect a messenger."

"We, of course, will not touch him." Firkaan bowed too deeply. "

Mordat shot a glance at his foot soldiers, and they sheathed their weapons.

"I must say, lieutenant: you're less feral than I expected. You'll have safe passage out of our territory so long as you leave directly."

Firkaan turned on his heel and walked back the way he'd come, his entourage in tow. They felt the Black Phoenix staring at them but did not look back. Only the staffed mage paused for a moment, sensing a particularly potent nearby presence. A moment later, he continued on his way.

Soon the mist engulfed them, and it was like they had never even ventured into Black Phoenix territory.


Stepping out from the shadows of a nearby alley, Katulus approached Mordat.

"Is it wise to let them go? We could have halved the Silver Bears' strength tonight."

"Marek is no fool. He would not have played with Firkaan's life so callously. I sensed more eyes on us than just those five. Even if they hadn't brought reinforcements, our losses too would have been significant."

"You're too humble, Mordat."

The lieutenant smiled the same twisted grin this Silver Bears had earlier. Part of him regretted not starting the fight, but he knew better.

"Regardless of who would have won, there was wisdom in their proposal. The air feels different these days. The wind is laden with potential, and I don't know which way she blows. As long as there are serious threats – upstarts or invaders – we must consider them seriously."

Katulus nodded, still looking through the mist at the Bears' retreat. "I dislike knowin' those people could stop Marek and Granada. It makes my job much more difficult."

"It's not fun unless it's difficult."

"It's not fun if I die or send dozens of our own to their deaths."

Mordat patted Katulus on the shoulder. "Your job is more important than ever. If you do your best, I know we'll be fine."

But Katulus had his doubts. Too many things had gone wrong in recent days. It felt like someone was puppeteering events, and he couldn't see the strings. There was a new strategist in Soran, someone clever and opaque.

"Even if we do ally with them, I won't sleep lightly. We'll have to start lookin' over our shoulders. It might be simpler if all our enemies remained ahead."

"That's not our decision to make but tell Lucien your concerns. I have my own. If my father taught me one thing, it's to beware Juralians, even those bearing gifts."

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