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"Get down, Malakai!" Delaney screamed to her friend, who was standing on the roof of Amerie's house, getting ready to jump off. Though she was drunk, she felt the most sober she had all night, and that was saying something.

she had discarded her cruiser on the ground, to instead cup her hands around her mouth and shout at Malakai, beside Missy. they were the only two people who were discouraging his behaviour, trying to get him to stop. the rest of the crowd was cheering him on, persuading him to jump off of the roof. two of the three people were Ant and Spider. Delaney chose not to speak to the two and tell them off, knowing that they wouldn't listen to her- even after what just happened between Spencer and her.

A group of stupid teenage boys encouraged Malakai to jump onto the trampoline, causing him to gesture with his hands where to move it to. Delaney couldn't help but watch in horror. he really was broken. nobody noticed.

then Amerie walked out of the house, buttoning her shirt up frantically. The moment she noticed what was happening, her face morphed into a mix of terror and anger.

"why did you even invite me, Amerie?" Malakai chuckled helplessly, obviously intoxicated. "you made me bring Twister. You ignored me all night," the crowd oo'd as he tiptoed along the edge of the roof. tears brimmed Delaney's eyes.

the school kids started chanting jump, and Laney swore she could feel her heart drop into her stomach. "shut the fuck up!' she tried to silence the crowd, slurring on her words as she did so. Missy sensed the fear in her voice, and held on tightly to her hand, trying to calm her down.

"Jai! Jai!" Missy screamed out for her older brother, begging for him to do something, though she didn't know where he was. the chanting became louder and louder.

Malakai started laughing sinically, stepping closer to the edge of the roof. Amerie shouted incoherently at the boy, pleading for him to get down. the boy took one finally sigh, before going to take a step.

Jai came up behind Malakai, wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to the ground. a wave of relief ran through Delaney's body.

thank god.

she let out a shaky breath, a single tear escaping her eye as she did so.


After successfully getting Malakai down off of the roof, the first thing Delaney did was hug him. though he was completely pissed, and barely conscious, it felt nice to have him in her arms.

"thankyou, Jai," she thanked Missy's brother sincerely as they began their trek through the house, past the nosy onlookers. Missy and Delaney walked arm in arm down the crowded hallway, Missy being the one giving death stares to any person who dare say something.

"you're fucked in the head! All of youse!" she snarled angrily shoving past the crowd. Delaney kept her head low as she passed Spider and Ant, for all of two reasons.

Her current situation with Spider was extremely awkward

and they were both being dickheads.

once they got out of the bustling house and out onto the street, where Jai's car was parked, they all got in, Delaney and Malakai in the back, with Missy in the passengers seat. The ride to Malakai's house was silent, everybody still processing what had just occurred. Sometime along the way, though, Malakai drifted off to sleep and ended up resting his head on Laney's shoulder. 

"Can i stay at your's tonight?" The brunette asked once they dropped Malakai off, earning a nod from the two in the front of the car. that's the main thing she loved about the Beckett's. they were one of the most inviting and hospitable families she knew. 

flicking off her shoes at the door, Delaney, Missy and Jai crept back into the house, careful not to make too much noise. on the way to her room, Missy gave her brother a short hug to say thank you and goodnight. 

the two girls flopped down onto Missy's bed with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. "that was eventful," Delaney placed her hands on her chest, fiddling with her rings. "sure was," Missy continued to look up at the glow in the dark stars on her ceiling, ones she and Laney had stuck up their at the beginning of year seven. 

"Spider and I kissed," she scrunched her face up at her own words, but felt a weight lift off her chest as she spoke. Missy sat up instantly, her jaw dropped. "i'm speechless. i mean.. i saw you two dancing and everything. but what?!" the girl blinked, covering her mouth with her hands. 

"i need the details, like who kissed who first, how far did you guys go.." Missy trailed off whilst grabbing the girls hands in excitement. Delaney grimaced at the last part of her sentence, composing herself before speaking. "He kissed me. i was kind of mocking him or complaining about him... i don't really know. then he just grabbed my face and kissed me." scarlet crawled up her neck as she recalls the event. 

Missy gasped, "but then he pulled away and was apologising about something, i can't remember. i was kind of in a daze, and wasn't thinking. so i kissed him back," a small smile crept onto her face, but she concealed it with a cough. 

"sooo... is he a good kisser?" the girl sitting across from her asked curiously. Delaney put her head in her hands. 

"really fucking good," This earned a childish 'ewww,' from Missy, though she was the one that asked the question.  "so what happened? did you guys do anything else?"

Delaney frowned slightly, before running her hands through her hair, "no. i broke away, said something about wanting to be sober. i ruined it." She shook her head.

"it's okay, babe, you got him wrapped around your finger. he'll understand."



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