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clicking the pen, Delaney began to scribble down lyrics the moment she got home.

crash the car again

the same mistakes again

Don't wanna hurt you like i did

Cause i'm not waiting for you

But i don't want to hurt you

She hasn't been writing lately, so the fact that she had an idea for a song was refreshing. writing songs was her way of coping when things got tough, seeing the ink bleed onto the paper lifted the weight off of her shoulders. Writing lyrics, for Delaney, is always a liberating experience. It's as if she entered a world where each feeling, thought, and sensation has its ideal representation. Every phrase acts as a brushstroke, creating a portrait of her deepest self on the canvas of her spirit. Composing lyrics is a creative dance in which she loses herself in the cadence of words and music.It's a release of hidden truths, of pent-up emotions, and of the imagination, which is why it's rejuvenating. During the process, she always manages to discover pieces of who she is that she was unaware of.

Picking up the glossy black bass guitar from its place in the corner of her room, Delaney propped it on her lap, and began to pluck at the strings. With a skilful ease, her fingers followed patterns on the fretboard, perhaps mimicking the curves of her own heart.

Her eyes shined with a calm intensity, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she played. It's so easy for her to just lose herself in the music here and ignore the problems of the outer world; it's her haven, her shelter.
Laney was so engulfed in the melody's consoling embrace as it hangs in the air when she heard the front door open. The sound of her father's heavy footsteps, returning from yet another business trip, made her heart skip a beat.She quickly put her guitar down, its strings still resonating from the song she was just performing. She got up, gathering herself, getting ready to see him.Her father stepped through the doorway, a weary smile lighting up his worn eyes as he saw her. He says, "Hey, kiddo," with a tired tone in his voice. "Miss me?"

Delaney smiled back at him, trying not to show how disappointed she was that he was home "Of course, Dad," she said with all the excitement she can manage. "How was your trip?"She asks, rocking back and forth on her feet, hearing the old floorboards creak beneath her weight. All he did was shrug in reply, before heading towards the kitchen.

"did ya make dinner for me?" He turned to face Delaney, who was standing there, twiddling her thumbs. "i said, did ya make dinner for me?" he raises his voice slightly, causing the girl to flinch.

"yeah its in the microwave"

and with that, she was on her way back to her room, knowing that, soon enough, he would crack open a beer and start getting out of hand.


Drying her hands on her denim jeans, Delaney walked out of the girls toilets, not expecting to be practically jumped by Amerie. "Delaney! hey! i saw that you had a slap band for the gig on Friday, and i was wondering if you could maybe.. ask spider to sell me one?" she quietened down whilst saying the last part, Laney scoffed, before budging past her. "come on! please?" The Wadia girl practically begged, folding her hands as if she was praying.

"and why would i help you? you outed me to the whole of our grade, and put us in SLTs," Delaney crossed her arms over her chest in a no way manner. "well, thanks to me, SLTs is cancelled," Amerie pressed her lips into a thin line, "i think i deserve a slap band for that, don't you?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, causing Delaney to roll her eyes, frustrated by the whole situation.


The two stood in silence for a few moments, Delaney deep in thought.

would it really be worth engaging in a conversation with Spider, though? no

will it make Amerie shut up? yes

"I'll think about it," she finally replied with a straight face, before turning the corner and walking away form the teenage girl. "yes!" she could hear Amerie scream excitedly, almost 100% sure that she did a self five to herself once she was gone.


Throughout the day, Delaney tried to find the perfect time to stop Spider and ask him about the slap band. Maths class was too quiet, and English was way too noisy, so, she opted to ask him at recess.

Walking up to his usual spot, near the basketball court, Delaney wiped her hands on the back of her jeans. Spider was sitting on the bench with Ant, Dusty, and a few other randos, unwrapping a rollup. "Hey DJ," Ant greeted the brunette with a warm smile, holding out a packet of cheese and bacon shapes, encouraging her to take a few, so she did. Delaney mumbled a small thanks, before turning to Spider.

"Can we talk? i need to ask you something," she looked down at her chipped nail polish whilst asking the question, before popping a shape into her mouth. "uh, yeah, sure" he seemed caught off guard when he was spoken to by her, but still stood up from his spot. All of his friends began whistling and clapping when the two walked off together.

Once the two made it to the back of the sports shed, Delaney's usual smoke spot, she looked up at Spider, to see him standing there very awkwardly. "this is really embarrassing," she chuckled lightly, trying her best to break the tension. "so.. what did you want to ask?" Spider furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at her.

"uh well.. here's the thing, Amerie-" Delaney was cut off with a scoff from the blond, but continued her sentence anyway. "Shereallywantstogotothegigandwaswonderingificouldaskyoutosellheraticket" she spat out her words at a rapid rate, wanting to get it over and done with.

God, the tension was just too much for her to handle, so, she opened her walled and pulled a blunt and lighter out. "please just say something," Delaney placed the joint between her lips and flicked the lighter, Spider cleared his throat.

"she put us in sluts, Laney, if she wants to go she'll have to pay at least triple," He reasoned, shrugging his shoulders in defeat. "But i really don't want her there" Delaney chuckled at this, "no one does," she took a puff of the blunt.

the recess bell rang loudly throughout the school.

"so is it reasonable if i tell her she has to pay triple?" The brunette looked up at the tall teenager standing in front of her with his arms crossed. "i guess so, but everybody's gonna hate having her there," the two began walking back to the courtyard of the school, Delaney made sure to throw her joint on the ground and crush it with her shoe.

"think of it like this, the more she pays, the more money goes towards the global women's project, or whatever it is your raising money for," she gave him a lighthearted smile, before walking to her next class.



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