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that was what Harper got for admitting to writing down JoJo and Amerie's names on the sex map. 

It turns out that, even after everything, SLT's was still running. though, it was in a different classroom now. Delaney sat down next to Cash, music blasting in her headphones. 

she really didn't want to be here, not without JoJo being the teacher. it just wouldn't feel the same. 

"Right can everyone take their seats! get off the table Spencer!" Woodsy made her entrance known, barging into the classroom dramatically. 

Delaney took out her earphones, resting them on top of her book on the large wooden desk. "Okay, are we a full contingent today? where's Malakai?" the older woman asked, walking to the front of the room, assessing the students. 

"Uh, he's not here, Miss, he's gone my country," Missy explained, "Oh, like overseas?" Ant questioned in all seriousness, causing some students to scoff. 

"No, the bush."

Woodsy cleared her throat, gaining the student's attention as she spoke. "Miss Obah will not be taking the sexual literacy tutorial any longer. There is a new sheriff in town," she explained, holding onto her blue folder tightly. 

"It's me. I'm the sheriff," she had to explain further, causing most of the students to groan loudly. 

"seven weeks ago, you were put into this class. Can anyone tell me why?" she walked up the middle of the room. Not one student dared to make eye contact with her, in fear of getting called out to answer the question. 

"The Incest Map?" Sasha answered, earning finger guns from the principal. 

"And yet, the tradition of documenting sexual exploits continued right under Miss Obah's nose. This indicates to me that you have learned very little." she turned around and began walking back down the aisle, "so because you cannot learn to R-E-S-P-E-C-T sex or each other... It's time to get serious." 

and without a warning, she turned the projector on, showing a picture of an infection. 

the students started gasping and covering their eyes, Delaney could've sworn some were gagging. 

"this is a yeast infection." she stated as is, zooming into the picture. 

"oh god," Ant looked down at his desk, covering his mouth.

"God will not be helping you if you get one of these, Anthony. It also affects the male genitalia. A disease that understands equity and inclusion better than some of you," Delaney laughed at this, still, not daring to look up at the screen. 

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