twenty two

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22. The Departed

"This isn't going to work" a frustrated Lily told Elijah, as the two walked down the street, "These people don't listen to reason, the only thing they listen to is violence".

"Violence is what got Niklaus into this mess in the first place" Elijah reminded the annoyed werewolf, "I'm hoping we can avoid that tonight and come to a peaceful agreement between us and Elena and the Salvatore brothers".

"And if we can't?" Lily asked.

"Then violence is always on the table" Elijah said.

"Good, keep it on the table Elijah, these people can't be trusted with their meaningless promises, they're known to break promises" Lily said, a bitter tone in her voice as she remembered Stefan and Tyler's betrayal, one of her best friend broke the promise of not attacking the guy she likes, while the other drugged her.

"I'm well aware of that" Elijah assured, as the two started walking up the Gilbert's porch.

Lily took a deep breath before turning to Elijah, "I might need your help in keeping my anger in control, I'm afraid the moment I come face to face with any of them, I'm going to rip them apart".

"Don't worry Lily, I won't let you hurt them" Elijah promised, knocking on the Gilbert's front door, "As long as they return my brother back to us".

"And if they don't?" a worried Lily asked.

Elijah looked at Lily, "Then they're all yours" he said, just as the front door was opened by the Gilbert doppelganger, whose eyes immediately went wide in fear seeing Elijah and Lily standing at her doorstep.

"Stefan" an afraid Elena called out, gaining the attention of her lover who was in the kitchen.

"Elijah, Lily" a shocked Stefan greeted, not expecting to see either of them here.

"Hello again" Elijah greeted.

Lily glared at the youngest Salvatore, the hatred in her eyes nearly made the youngest Salvatore flinch back, "Let's talk, Salvatore".


Elijah and Lily sat in the Gilbert's kitchen, making a deal with Stefan and Elena in exchange for Klaus's body.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him" Elijah explained, "Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of this earth and Alaric will follow us".

"And you'll just run?" a skeptical Stefan asked, taking a seat next to Elena.

"We've done it before" Elijah reminded, "Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father, what's another half-century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?".

"We finally stopped him, Elijah" Elena said, "After everything that he's done to us I can't just let you bring him back".

"I give you my word, Elena" Elijah said, "I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes, perhaps that'll finally teach him some manners".

Stefan looked at his awfully quiet best friend, "And when the originals leave, will you leave with them?".

Lily glared at the youngest Salvatore, "Don't tell me you expect me to stay back with people I can't trust".

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