xl. leo returns

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forty. leo returns

IVY SPENT A LOT OF her time with Hazel and Piper the past few days. Piper wanted to get better at sword-fighting so Hazel was gladly training her. Ivy usually sat around and watched. She still couldn't bring herself to approach Jason, and now he was too busy trying to get help from the South Winds.

Piper and Hazel both took notice of this, but it was Piper who wanted the details.

"Why can't you tell me?" Piper whines, leaning against Ivy's shoulder.

Ivy doesn't really have an answer.

Piper groans, "You really should just talk to him."

"I can't," Ivy frowns, "I don't know how to bring it up."

"You just gotta do it. Whatever happened, just — go for it."

"Gee, thanks," Ivy rolls her eyes.

"Don't give me attitude," Piper scolds, "You're the one who refuses to solve a problem that could be settled with communication."

"I know you're right," Ivy frowns, "I just don't want anything to change if I talk to him about it. What if it's true?"

"Well, then Piper and I will be here," Hazel says, "With whatever you need."

"Lots of ice cream," Piper grins.

"Yes," Hazel agrees.

Ivy smiles.

"Go now," Hazel urges, "Check up on him. He's been leading the ship for a while now."

"Okay," Ivy agrees. She rises to her feet and fixes her jean shorts, then tugs on her Hello Kitty cropped tank-top that belonged to Piper but she had stolen it. "How do I look?"

"Pretty," Hazel smiles but Piper had also risen to her feet and was pulling Ivy's hair down from the ponytail.

Piper smooths out Ivy's hair, then fluffs it, then offers the girl chapstick. Ivy takes it gratefully, "Good," Piper speaks, "Go get him. Oh! Take him some ambrosia, he may need it!" She digs into her pouch and offers it to Ivy.

"Right." Ivy heads above deck.

'He better be ready to square up!'

'Everything will be fine!'

'And if it isn't he better be ready to fight!'

'We can't fight him.'

'Ivy can.'

'She's not going to.'

"J, we need to —" Ivy begins to say but she falters when noticing his arms were dotted with blisters, "Oh, gods, your arms . . ."

Ivy hands him the ambrosia square from Piper, "Eat this."

Jason does.

"Thanks, Vee," He murmurs, "How long was I —?"

"About six hours."

"The others?"

"All fine. Tired of being cooped up. Should I tell them it's safe to come above deck?"

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