xx. ivy's speaking priveleges are revoked

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twenty. ivy's speaking privileges are revoked

"I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY I'M not allowed to talk," Ivy pouts the minute Jason opens his eyes that morning. Jason groans and reaches over to pull the girl closer to his chest. She'd been complaining about the decision since it had been made . . . weeks ago.

"Seriously, J, I mean Leo can speak but I'm told not to?" Ivy continues, "Camp Jupiter is my home."

"A home that didn't really like you much before," Jason knew it was harsh. But from his memories, he knew she had been an outsider. Everyone found her odd, with the voices in her head and all, and also because of an incident between her and Josie Garfield that Jason knew she preferred not to talk about.

"Okay, ouch," Ivy frowns and pushes the boy away.

"Sorry, sorry," Jason says. Ivy turns her head to glare at him and stays put on the other side of the bed.

"It's just best if Piper does the talking," Jason continues, reaching his hand over to play with her long red hair.

Piper was the peace-maker and Ivy and Jason would just stand there, familiar faces for the Romans to see.

"I know," Ivy says and finally she rolls back towards him.

Jason smiles, content. He leans over to press a kiss to her lips, happy that she doesn't push him away.

The great thing about being the only child of Zeus at camp and her being an only child of Dionysus at camp was that they could freely hang out in one another's cabins and not get in trouble. Because who was going to tell? The giant statue of his dad in the cabin? (And even if he could, he hadn't yet). (So they kept sneaking into one another's cabins). (It had been Jason's idea first).

"Are you nervous?" Jason asks her and Ivy shrugs. "Are you excited?" Ivy grins, showing off her teeth, and nods. Jason's brows furrow, "What's wrong, now?"

Ivy just looks at him innocently.

"Vee," Jason finds himself whining. And normally he'd be embarrassed over this behavior, but he can't help it. Ivy brings out the not-so-serious side of him. The side he keeps hidden away from Camp Jupiter, as to not be seen as weak or someone who shouldn't be taken seriously. "Why aren't you talking to me now?"

"Practicing," Ivy whispers and Jason laughs loudly.

Ivy covers his mouth quickly, shushing him.

"Sorry," Jason says but it was muffled.

Ivy giggles, and Jason's stomach flips at the sound. He leans in to kiss her again, and Ivy accepts him, pulling him closer. Jason finds himself hovering over her, his hands holding him up on either side of her head, while her hands ran through his hair.

A knock on the door makes them pull away, eyes wide as Ivy quickly pushes him off and rises to her feet. Jason stares at her wide-eyed, but he also couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. Her bangs were standing straight up, and her lips were red and slightly swollen. Her sleep shirt had fallen off her shoulder and her shorts had ridden up . . .

"Will you hide?!" Ivy throws a pillow at him and Jason remembers that there was someone at the door.

He quickly runs into the bathroom. Jason presses his ear to the door, listening for who it might be. It sounds like Annabeth, but he can't understand anything either of them are saying.

The door to the bathroom swings open and Jason nearly topples on top of Ivy. Not that he'd mind.

"Annabeth's on her way to your cabin," Ivy tells him.

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