xxii. the voices in her head are intimidated by percy jackson

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twenty-two. the voices in her head are intimidated by percy jackson

     IVY WAS FRANTIC AS SHE races towards the forum. She'd been with Harley and Dakota just outside the Senator-House when it had exploded into a flash light inside. Around her, Romans were shouting and running towards the forum.


"What's going on?" Dakota slurs.

"You!" Harley begins, staring at Ivy as if it was entirely her fault, "Your ship, you've fired on us!"

"Me?" Ivy argues, "I've done nothing! I've been with you two the whole time!"

"That boy," Harley continues, "On the ship with Octavian."

Ivy glances to see the Argo II was in fact firing on New Rome. "I don't know what he's doing," is all Ivy can say, "We have to go help!"

Harley nods. Together, they all take off running towards the crowd. Unfortunately for them, the Romans were out to get Ivy. (When were they not). They began throwing things at them, yelling "traitor" and other foul things Ivy would rather not say.

Ivy's only thought was Jason. Where was he? Was he safe?

'We're gone for one minute and you've destroyed something!' The male voice shouts, causing Ivy to double over.

"Not now!" She argues, and forces herself to keep running.

'It's not her fault!'

'I told her something bad was going to happen! I warned her about Leo!'

"Shut up!" Ivy begs and Harley holds onto her hand, pulling her along. A rock catches Ivy in the forehead, causing her to stumble. Harley glares at the growing mob.

"Stop!" She orders, voice laced with power. For a brief moment, the Romans were puzzled and that allowed the trio to escape. But it didn't last for long.

"Jason!" Ivy yells when seeing Piper barely able to hold him up. She runs straight for them, not caring about everyone else trying to grab hold of her. "What happened?!"

"They — they threw a brick, hit his head," Piper says quickly, "I can't — help."

Ivy quickly helps her hold his weight.

"Dakota and I will try to distract them," Harley says, "You guys better go!"

Ivy frowns. She wasn't ready to go yet. She wanted to spend time with her friends, as selfish as it may sound. She wasn't ready to take on the fate of the world.

Harley presses a kiss to Ivy's cheek, "Go."

Ivy frowns but helps Piper carry a passed-out Jason towards the Argo II. Annabeth was standing below the shadow of the ship, Percy, Frank and Hazel were running towards them as well.

"Help!" Piper says and Percy moves to help them.

"We have to go!" Annabeth says.

It was a struggle to get Jason up the ladder on the Argo II. Percy was helping as much as he could, which Ivy was grateful for. It helped her but be so intimated by him. Because, let's be honest, he was very intimidating with his blond hair and green eyes, he resembled a good.

Percy followed Ivy below deck, while Annabeth and Piper went above deck to do damage control.

They lower Jason onto the bed, Percy looks around panicked, "Um, I'm going to get Annabeth."

Ivy nods and the boy runs off. Ivy sits on the edge of the bed and observes the nasty cut on his forehead. Her own cut was stinging, but at least she hadn't been knocked out.

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