Fitting In

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-M'gann and Conner go to the beach and try to be normal-

'Hey Meg,
Me and a couple others are at the beach
Wanna join?'

M'gann read over the text again, splayed out on the sofa.

"And temperatures will peak at 82 Fahrenheit for the first time this year, that's about 28 Celsius and sunny..."

They sighed, turning off the tv and looking meaningfully at her roommate. She wanted so badly to accept Karen's offer and go to the beach, but her skin was so delicate to heat.

Conner didn't get any of this from the glance. "What?"

Conner couldn't really feel temperature differences unless it was critical, and if anything he needed more sun than he was getting, as the boy preferred to cloister away in the dark corners of the mountain rather than go outside to charge his powers.

"Karen was asking if we want to go to the beach."

"Are you gonna go?" Conner asked, typing away busily.

"I don't know." She sighed. "I don't want to burn."

"Which do you want more?" Conner asked.


"Which do you want more; to see your friends or not to burn?"

M'gann thought it over a little. "How quickly can you get into your swim shorts?"

In a few minutes M'gann had dressed in a bikini bottom and a rash guard. Conner put on the swim trunks Robin had given him, and was now helping her apply sunscreen. M'gann needed a lot of high-SPF to make it through sunny weather.

They were halfway down the mountain when M'gann realized Conner still had his favorite article of clothing on.

"Conner, take your shirt off."

"Oh, right." He nodded, removing it and turning it inside out.

"No, completely! You can't wear your shirt at the beach, silly." 

"Oh." Conner reluctantly removed his cherished shirt again. M'gann stared at is abdomen, mouth slightly agape. "What?"

"I never noticed..." She reached out, fingers brushing his stomach. "You don't have the birth hole."

"The what?"

"The birth hole, you know? The hole where the tube was. I don't know the English word."

"Oh, the Umbilicus?" He asked. "I guess I didn't need one. When I was in early incubation I was kept in a nutrient-rich salve until I was big enough to take an IV."

She frowned. "Okay, I guess you can wear your shirt then." She relented. "We don't want anyone to realize you aren't human..."

Conner agreed, and the two continued on their hike. They usually went to the hidden beach with the team, but it wasn't too hard to find the public beach; it being one of the first hot days of the year-- and a Saturday at that-- it was quite populated.

Wendy spotted them tramping down walkway and waved them over to the teens' home base on the hot sand.

"Hi!" M'gann ran over, greeting each of their friends with a hug. "I brought Conner, I hope that's okay."

"Meg," Karen laughed lightly, wiping her skin. "That's a lot of sunscreen, even for a white girl."

A couple of the other girls laughed, causing M'gann to blush a little. "I burn easily..."

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