Separated (Part 11)

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-sorry for any typos, I spilt a water bottle all over my keyboard-

There was a tingling sort of feeling, pins and needles jamming into every inch of skin, and then, as soon as the it started, it was gone and the teens found themselves in a wide, harshly lit room.

"Sorry, the first time through a zeta beam always feels like that." Superman said, turning to face them. "Welcome to The Hall of Justice."

"We'll send somebody to collect your things in uptown Gotham." Batman added. "You'll be spending the night here."

"How did you know we were sleeping uptown?" Wally asked. The bat slunk back, almost smug in his ability to keep the crowd guessing. The team were over it.

"Yeah, and how'd you know I had a lighter in my pocket?" Artemis ordered.

"Did you put that ad on the deep web?" Dick asked. "That's so manipulative and weird, what if arsonists actually did show up instead of us?"

"I know you all have questions." Wonderwoman assured. "But for now I'm going to take you to one of the residential suites, and you can wash up and get some sleep. We'll be here to answer questions in the morning."

"We'll just take the Martian and the Clone." Batman added.

"No!" Several of the teens shouted in unison. 

"We're not splitting up!" Wally exclaimed, grabbing M'gann's arm.

"You don't understand, I know you've decided that you're friends, but you need to understand how dangerous this could be for you"

"We've been tracking your friend here since she escaped," Superman said, gesturing to M'gann. "And we don't know enough about project Kr to know if it's safe." 

"Where did you hear that name?" Conner demanded. He'd been star struck at first when he'd seen superman, but that was changing... 

"Nobody is leaving the group." Kaldur said as evenly as he could. "Please, don't separate us."

Maybe it was the appeal to their emotions, maybe it was the slightly frightened tremble in his voice, but the three heroes shared a look.

Wonderwoman spoke up. "We won't separate you." She agreed. "But we'll need to keep a close eye on you."

With not the option to deny her, the kids were shepherded deeper into the building, painfully aware of the hundreds of camera that followed their every move.

The room was pretty nice, two large double beds, an en suite bathroom with a shower, even charging outlets. 

They each took turns in the shower, washing off god knows how many days of sweat and dirt. Poor Conner had no idea what to do with a shower, he's never washed himself before, he hadn't seen them on TV like M'gann, nor had he the comfort with Water that Kaldur possessed; in the end he'd needed a hand figuring out how to wash his hair, but he generally did well.

Eventually, the team split up, half on one bed half in the other. It felt strange not all sleeping in a pile together. It felt strange not having to conserve body heat. The blankets were just the ones you'd see at a hotel, but it was the most comfortable any of them could remember being.

For the first night in weeks, they all slept.

Conner stirred, he could hear yelling in the distance, but he was so comfortable, it was a labor to lift his eyelids. The yelling ceased, being replace a faint patter, which got closer and closer, pounding on his skull. He sat up just as the door slammed open.

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