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Often times, we are surrounded with people, some we know and others, complete strangers

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Often times, we are surrounded with people, some we know and others, complete strangers. It's not like everytime we feel connected and included when we are with them. Sometimes, we feel alone even in a large group of people.

That's exactly what Zara felt sitting right beside Evan, with his family.

The moment they reached there, Zara was introduced to Evan's father and his grandmother. Among them, it was an awkward silence.

Soon after, other members joined the table. She smiled and noded a little everytime Mrs. Helen, Evan's grandmother, introduced a new member.

Of all the 4 people introduced by Mrs. Helen, Zara was only familiar with Darren, who somehow managed to sit beside her earning an annoying look from Evan.

The moments of loneliness were shortlived for Zara, when one by one, they all started interacting with her. They all wanted to know her. Her likes and dislikes, more than that, they all wanted to share their life stories with her. She already felt like a part of it.

"You know Zara, you'd be the first lady in our home after years of dealing with all these men only. And I can't wait to enjoy parties and have fun with you." Mrs. Catherine, Evan's aunt gushed.

"I'd look forward to it." Zara replied with a smile, unable to understand what she meant by 'these men only'.

Mrs. Catherine was the second wife of Evan's uncle, Robert Nash. He has his own political party established which was now acting as an opposition party. Being siblings, Evan's father and his uncle were fond of each other, never leaving in hard times.

"Zara, what are your qualifications?" Zara got startled by a deep voice, which she heard for the first time in 40 minutes of their arrival.

"I've completed my bachelor's in management." She said while looking at the hazel green eyed man sitting beside Evan's uncle. If it wasn't for his hazel green eyes, Zara could've forgotten his name.

Asher, his name really suits his eyes. She thought.
Why? Because his eyes held the colour of nature and nature has been a source of happiness for her and that's exactly what the word 'Asher' means, happy.

Clad in a black suit, he sat there like a king, his every move exuding confidence, money and power. Asher was two years younger than Evan, however, his calm and composed demeanor speaks itself of his sensibility.

A political leader's son has all the rights to exude such a charm. She shrugged mentally.

"Hmm." He nodded as he placed the glass of cola on the table.

Zara took a moment to notice how his eyes matched with aunt Catherine's green orbs and his black wavy hair with uncle Robert.

He's surely their son. Wait, did I just questioned his birth legitimacy? And answered it myself? The thought made Zara a little uncomfortable.

But I Still Want YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant