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"Hey! White shirt black pants!"

Zara called him, so loud that for a moment, it seemed as if the music has stopped playing, the people have stopped dancing, the loud voices and the cheers and the pouring of wine, and the clinking of glasses have stopped all together. As if everything has stopped for a moment and it was only the voice of Zara echoing in the club. Saying the man was taken off gaurd would be an understatement.

He looked his right, fixing his gaze on Zara moving his eyes slowly to the right, and then he looked his left as if searching for the actual person Zara has called for. But all he could find was people dancing and drinking and lost in their own world.

Looking back at Zara, he realized the situation he was in, as her gaze was fixed on him. With a glass of wine in one hand and the other in his pocket, he stood there rather astonished. Reluctant to put his wine glass aside, he took his right hand out of his pocket. Raising it slightly towards his chest, he pointed a finger at himself. With his raised eyebrows, he nodded his head, questioning her, with his gesture, if it was him whom she was calling.

As an answer Zara simply nodded her head up and down.

She waited for his reply, which never came, before walking towards him.

"So, what's your name?" Zara asked, putting her arm over his shoulder.

Up close, he noticed every detail of her face. As deep and dark, her black eyes were glowing in the club lights as if all the stars have taken a shelter in them just like the night sky. Her long black hair, arranged in a cascade of curls looked just adorable against her lightly tanned skin. Her lips, oh her small plump lips coloured in a nude shade looked just as appealing.

Appealing! This thought was enough to knock him back to his senses. He looked at her, into her eyes and then diverted his gaze towards the two girls who seemed to have much interest in their conversation. Probably her friends.

As soon as Jane and Emma came forward, they pulled Zara off the man, making him relax his shoulders and they made Zara sit beside them. Intoxicated much, she pulled the man as well. And now, they both were sitting side by side facing each other. The man looked at her two friends with pleading eyes.

"1 AM-" Zara blurted out, gaining all the attention, and continued, "We will meet at 1 am-"

"B-but-" he tried to speak but was cut off by Zara.

"Shhhh-", she said as she put a finger on her lips signaling him to stop talking, "We will meet at 1 am, in the parking lot."

Jane and Emma burst into laughter. It was their second time listening to the masterplan and they were just as interested and excited. They adjusted themselves on their seats and hyped up Zara. The man was now confused. And they giggled again at his confused face but the giggles were soon abrupted when he turned to Zara and asked, "Parking lot? Which one?"

"Near Axim Bank" This made Emma and Jane look at each other and they chuckled

"Woah! Cool! and?"

"And we'll change into different clothes. You'll wear black hoodie, black jeans and cover you face with a mask. You can't go there-" she pointed at him rather at his clothes, "like this, wearing these so called formal clothes looking like a greek god. No you can't go like this."

"Ah! I'm flattered," he put both of his hands near his heart clutching it as if he was moved by her compliment, "And you?" he added after a pause.

"Oh! Me? I'll change into similar clothes. Don't worry!"

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