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"Gosh! That was so long

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"Gosh! That was so long. I couldn't even complete the last question."

"Last question? Only last question? A whole unit. I missed a whole unit."

"Ah! C'mon Jane, you always say that and end up getting the highest scores amongst three of us."

"Oh! Trust me, this time I'd hardly pass."

"Would you guys please stop discussing this exam shit now? We are over with them."

"C'mon Zara, it was the hardest exam, aren't you nervous about the results?"

"Emma, we just finished the exams and you're already worrying about the results? Chill girl!"

"Zara, it's -"

"Emma, you know I don't do that. Once it's over, it is over. No discussions. Atleast not in front of me, man. We have more important things to do."


"Like food? Eating? I'm hungry Jane. I need food. This 3 hour long examination has been so tiring. Aren't you guys hungry?"

"Oh yeah! Food. So, tell me, home-cooked or a café?"


Finishing with the last exam has always been a big relief for all. Hours of late night sessions and piles of notes and sleepless nights, finally ends. A little celebration is a must. Zara was no different.

Surviving on mugs of black coffee, she has pulled all nighters to study for her Bachelor's final exams. And spent days recalling and reciting what she has studied. And the never ending syllabus made her deprived of binge watching series and going out with friends.

She would have never been this stresed out if she had studied for the entire semester. Completing the whole syllabus within a few days before an exam is an art. And Zara, for sure, is a good artist.

Luckily, this tiresome journey has ended. And now she can finally do whatever she was doing few days back before the exams, but this time without guilt. So, a little celebration is what she needed.

"Mac 'n cheese or Pizza?" Said Emma, as she looked at the menu of their favourite café.

"How about both?"

"Zara, you for sure are a big foodie." Gasped Jane.

"And an iced americano as well."

"Zara, I know, I know, lemme order."

Emma ordered 3 medium pizzas and 1 mac 'n cheese followed by 3 iced americanos. As soon as the food arrived Jane took out her phone which was earlier in her backpack. Zara eyed her, getting what she was about to do, she then looked at Emma with a smirk on her face.

"Looks like someone's streak is still pending."

Emma laughed at the remark made by Zara. And this made Jane look at them with fury in her eyes along with a small pout.

"Atleast I don't send darkness in people's lives with those blank and black snaps" Jane put forward her point.

"You mean, their phone. Right?" said Zara.

"Yeah, yeah! Go on. Might send some sweetness ahh I mean some sweetdish as well in their lives." Emma said as she took first bite of her pizza.

"So what we're gonna do tonight? Any plans or ideas?"

"Umm.. How about clubbing?"
Jane was a party girl. She knew every club at the town and how different the wines tasted there. She knew about the songs they usually play at the weekends and what offers do they give on fridays.
What she doesn't know was how to convince Zara for the same.

"Good idea Jane. We haven't been to one since a long time now. We should definetely go. What say Zara?" Emma asked Zara.


"What? Lemme eat. I haven't even savoured the taste of mac 'n cheese yet and you guys are already disturbing me." Zara said in an irritating manner as she sipped her iced americano.

Both Jane and Emma go silent and looked at each other. Hurt? Hell nah. They just wanna laugh dramatically after the planned silence.

"We know Zara. You won't go. But that incident happened last year. C'mon. You've better control over yourself now. I know." Said Emma between her light chuckles.

"Emma! You know one shot is enough for me to loose my senses. And don't bring that incident every time we talk about clubbing." Zara said in a stern voice.

"Which incident? Jane you remember? I don't."

"No I don't. Which incident Zara? Emma I guess we forgot. Zara, please enlighten us."

"You guys stop acting!"

"Oh! I got it now. Remember Emma, last year, you, Zara and me... We went to the Woods Club and-"

"and Zara got drunk. How much? Two shots? Right Zara?"

"No I think it was after the third one. And she barged out of the bar and-"

"Stop!" Zara's efforts were going in vain.

"yeah and she took us to some secluded area with just a few people around and you shouted at a man in his mid thirties... Umm.. Jane, how did she called him?"

'Hey! White shirt black pant.' Mimicked Jane and they both burst into laughter.


"and you blurted out your Master plan."

"a whole plan must I say, a blue print of her plan to rob a whole bank and the manager-" Jane continued.

"Remeber how that man shot open his eyes again and again. That was just too funny. He was drunk as well. But less than Zara."

"And the climax! Gosh! God knows how the person she was talking to turn out to be the bank manager of the same bank she planned to rob."

And with that they burst into another laughter.

"You both are terrible."

"We're glad" They both said in unison.

Forty minutes passed with all their gossips and eating.

"Fine then. We'll be meeting at 10 today in the Ace Club. Zara! You have to come. Or else, or else... -"

"We'll think of a good 'or else' part later. But you have to come. Okay?" Jane was interrupted by Emma who sensed her inability to think of what they'd do if Zara doesn't show up.

"Fine! I'd come. But one shot only."



I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Pretty short. But quite intriguing. No?
What do you think? Would Zara meet Evan in the club?
Comment your thoughts about the story. I'd love to read them.

But I Still Want YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora