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It was 9:30 in the evening. Half an hour before she had to leave. Wait! Wasn't she supposed to leave her house at 9:30 and reach the club by 10? Well, who cares. Zara knew her two friends would come to pick her up as they do not have a single ounce of faith in her regarding her showing up at the club.


he sat on her bed, with her hair tied up in a pony tail, scrolling through her social media. She seldom posts anything, she knew what privacy means to her and has always kept her life to herself. Save Emma and Jane.

"What the-" Zara exclaimed as the sudden ringing of doorbell startled her. She knew who it was.

"Oh Zara! I knew you wouldn't get ready for the club. I knew it." Emma grumbled as she checked out Zara, the moment she opened the gate.


"Exactly! Zara, go get ready. Change your clothes. Now. We are leaving in 15 minutes." Ordered Jane.

"look-", said Zara, as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back, "I am ready. And I'm not gonna change my outfit. I'm comfortable in it."

"Seriously Zara! You are literally wearing a pair of jeans and a tee. That's not how you go to the club."

"Wear something hot and sexy Zara. Maybe you get to meet the love of your life. I mean who knows." Giggled Emma.

"First, I'm good in my Jeans and in my over sized tee. And I ain't changing it. Second, I'm not gonna meet the 'love of my life' any soon. Atleast not in the club." stated Zara.

"Zara, you have to or else-" Warned Jane as she stepped a little closer to Zara.

"Listen, do whatever, I ain't gonna change anything." Said Zara as fear gripped her.

"Really! You wanna challenge us now? Jane, why don't we just show her?"

"Fine then. If that's what you want Zara." With that, they both started undressing her.

Zara was horrified by their action.

"STOP!", she screamed at the top of her lungs, "This is disgusting!"

"Zara we-"

"LEAVE!" Zara snapped.

Zara could bear anything but someone invading her personal space in a disgraceful manner. Never. Be it a stranger or her best friends.

And with that, both Emma and Jane stepped back before hugging her.

"We didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable Zara. We're really sorry." They knew they crossed a boundary and regretted it.

"Apology accepted, but the behavior, not. It's not okay. Never ever do that shit again." Zara warned.

And upon insisting, Zara changed into a sparkly black knee length cocktail dress, her hair cascading down. And with that, they left for the club.

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