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"Woah, woah! Calm down man. Calm down. I'm right in front of you. Slow down."

"Darren, do you have something that you want to tell me?"

Darren raised his eyebrows at Evan's question. Never in his life had he thought that Evan Nash, a man of honour and his best friend would storm inside his office like a maniac with rage filled in his eyes. He has never called Darren by his full name, this sure was a serious matter, he thought.

"What are you talking about?" He asked innocently.

"Darren, don't test my nerves." Evan said stepping closer to him.

"Okay, okay. Relax. I'll tell you. First, enter like my best friend in my office. I can't deal with this 'The Evan Nash'." Darren tried to ease the atmosphere around, knowing very well how Evan and his anger could destroy each and everything.

"Darren, I'm asking you the last time. Tell me what you said to Zara."

"She already told you. Didn't she?"

"Danny -"

" 'Danny'-" He paused for a moment, adjusted his tie around his neck before continuing, "Now that you've used 'danny', I'll tell you." He smirked.


Zara left the building as soon as she could. Her heart was unable to bear the pain that the thought of how her life was going to change in a few days, implanted in her mind.

She roamed around, wraping her arms around her chest to protect herself from the chilly winds that had turned her nose into a shade of pink. Her red and watery eyes added to the pink blush on her cheeks. She didn't know what to do or where to go. She felt like a looser, a victim.

Am I really a victim? She thought. No! I can't be. Not anymore. It's not a big deal.

When it comes to motivating herself, her self talk comes to the rescue.

Evan Nash, I can't change my situation. But I swear, I'd change your whole life. I swear I'd make your life a living hell. You'd regret forcing me into this marraige.

She entered a café near Evan's building and ordered the spiciest food with a black coffee. The only thing she needed to set her mind right.


"Danny, you're my legal advisor, and I'm damn sure you must have various clients waiting for you to give them your time. Don't waste your 'precious' time advicing Zara." Evan gulped down a whole glass of chilled water and put it down as he continued, "You know, I would've killed you for putting this 'contract marraige' thing in her mind. But it's YOU!"

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