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"Okay. Fine! I'm ready to marry you. But I have a condition."

Zara waited for him to reply but he didn't say anything. Dejected, she pulled out the contract marraige papers from her purse and placed them in front of him. He looked at them before giving a questioning look to her.

"I want us to enter into a contract marraige for 2 years after which we'd seperate our ways-" she paused to look at his face to guess his reaction through his expressions but his face showed nothing. "through a divorce." She completed.

Evan took the papers from the table and leaned back against his chair as he slowly turned each page of the contract. He didn't read it. Instead, he played with the corners of each page as if trying to crush the emotions that those papers ignited in him by rubbing the pages between his thumb and fingers. He felt the papers a little too much under his touch and placed them back on the table, pushing them towards Zara, this time, gently.

"What's inside these papers?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"The details of the contract?" She shrugged and continued, "You can read them. Everything's written."

He nodded. "I want You-", he pointed at her, "to tell me. The terms and conditions, I want to hear it all from you."

She furrowed her eyebrows mentally questioning him. It was important for her to maintain her calm and be respectful towards him, for she needed him to sign the papers. So she did as he said.

"I will tell you the major conditions. The rest of it should be your responsibility to read." 

Strangely, he agreed to it.

"This contract marraige will be of 2 years-"

"Why?" He cut her mid sentence.


"Well, I need to know the reasons as well. Why only 2 years and not 4 or 5 or maybe 10 years." He asked with amusement.

"10 years? Much to your dismay, Mr. Evan, I wanted it to last for only 10 months. You see, I need to complete my studies and I can't let you or my father cause any trouble in between because of this. Since my course's duration is of 2 years, so is the contract."

Evan smirked at her response. He raised his eyebrows in a manner which gave Zara an impression of his approval. Little did she know that he's only playing with her at the moment.

"In this entire 2 years of the contract, you will not interfere in my personal life and I will not interfere in yours.

We might be living under the same roof but not in the same room.

I will cook for myself and you will cook for yourself. I won't be acting as your slave.-"

"That's a condition? Well, okay. I have cooks and househelp. They'd help you as well. But since you wish that, you can do your work as you please."

"Does that mean you agree to it? You'll sign the papers?" Zara asked in excitement.

"No. Continue with the conditions tho." He said as he took the paperweight in his hand and started playing with it.

"That-", she took a deep breath before continuing, "Okay. No cunsummation, by any chance or otherwise, in any way, will happen. You will not touch me without my permission."

"So, that means if I ask for your permission then-"

"I'll say a no." She fake smiled at him.

He chuckled as a reply. Zara had never thought that Evan will listen to the conditions patiently. She told him everything that was there, while he interrupted her more than she could tolerate.

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