Pain of sacrifice

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*recap* Keven and his crew in the car were surrounded by zombies and they had only one option that was an un-used bridge.
        Kevin turned the car towards the bridge both the girl in the car were so panic where as the boys are concentrated on escaping as the move on the zombies were following them too zombies were in thousands of count it hard to escape for them but they were trying their best until the car's wheel stuck in a pithole on the road Kevin tried to accelerate and make the car to move but the car moved by a distant of zero,as the car is not moving the zombies came closer and closer,people in the car can't run as fast as the zombies so, there became a hero who was ready for an sacrifice it was Yojith who said he will push the car to save the other three he said "if my one sacrifice would save the world then I'm ready for this" it was as saddest goodbye for the trio and got of the car and pushed the car hard but within a second zombies infected him, Eerie can't control the ocean behind her eyes and Kevin noticed it and said "we have travelled with a warrior,not only a warrior but a saviour too" not even a hour passed of the last memories of Yojith but an other problem was ready to hunt the trio on the bridge there is an place which connects four cities but what the people in car doesn't knew is out of those four cities three of them were already effected by the zombie virus Kevin dint knew that. It came down to this moment when Kevin realise they were in a trap where 3 of the cities were infected and as they go closer Kevin saw almost an half a thousand of zombies were ready to infect them kevin was out of thaughts he had zero ideas how to escape and decided to atleast save the girls out there in the car and said "Some goodbyes does hurt but still saves us" and said Eerie to take car of the car he said Eerie to take the driving seat, Eerie asked "Your words doesn't inform me enought,where are you going and what are you going to do?" Kevin replied with "another sweet goodbye for you girls, I am going to clear the crowd of zombies out there and make you a way but be same" Eerie says "You really sacrificing your life for us,no we already lost one we don't want to loose and other life if we die we are doing it together" Kevin with a slight smile hugged Eerie and his last word in the car were "I love you Eerie" and he got out the car and opened the trunk of the car and took out a monster of guns out there which was huge in size and had a name of "Simon" on it  he reloaded it started to clear the zombies and made a way for the car Eerie with tears in her eyes saw another eyes full of tears whose were of Kevin's he was making blood path for the car and Eerie thaught "Those eyes are beautiful with tears too but those also have blood hidden".............

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