Dungeon Worm

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I lost my life in the heart of summer. 

I gained a new one in the depth of the earth. 

I was a girl. 

I became a place of nightmares. 

I didn't blink when I "woke up". I didn't gasp, didn't shudder, didn't twitch. It took a while for me to gain my bearings, which wasn't helped by the whole "no body movements" thing. There was no sudden gaining conciousness.

I felt... off. 

I moved, but it wasn't really moving in a sense. More like a shifting of something without arms or legs or body. 

Then I realized I wasn't breathing. My heart wasn't beating. Was this death? Was I dead? 

Who killed me? Why? Isn't there nothing after death?  

Calm down. If I did die, nobody killed me. It was probably a-a freak accident of some sort. I would have remembered an illness. 

Unless I died suddenly. In my bed. Oh god, did my parents find my body? 

Maybe I'm in Hea- a hospital. Definitely a hospital. there's nothing after death. Just nothingness. 

Who says this isn't nothingness, then? I can't move. 

Yes I can. 

I tried the shifting energy thing again- energy, that was the word. I didn't know how, but I was made of energy. Or something close to that. 

I could shift and move it, make it undulate over a hard, central core that I discovered. 

Okay. This was kilometers away from ideal, but I could do this. I had to do this. 

I exhaled. Sort of. Air gushed out of holes throughout the room, brushing against my center. Weird, but okay. 

What else could I do? I tried- more cause I was pretty sure anything was possible than actual plausibility- looking. Before, I had figured out I could feel and hear the air, so that was two senses. I could think as well, obviously. So surely looking was also in my repertoire. 

I tried focusing on gazing out at whatever was in front of me. 

I was in a room. It glitched every few seconds, and I got an odd feeling while I was staring at it. Sort of like I was bending inside my own head. 

The room was divided into two rings by a semi-transparent thing. The walls closest to me were grey, while the ones furthest from me where the color of mashed up rubies. 

I was trying to figure out what they were, and where I was, and a million other things when I blacked out. 

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