Vigilante: Part One

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I've done a lot of things most other teenagers haven't. Stakeout of a potential drug dealer hideout? Done. Followed a potential supervillain to a meeting? Done. Tracked down stolen Hero Gear? Also done.
Some of my missions are dangerous. Most of them are illegal. Since I'm not a licensed hero, you could call me a vigilante. And-
I take a bite of cake.
Man, this is good. Where was I? Oh, right. Vigilantism. It's extremely dangerous and very illegal. Of course, there is always the possibility a vigilante becomes a hero. But those cases are rare and far between. And if you're a vigilante and you have the same reason for becoming one as me, you don't even try to become a hero.
Because, you actually have more-
I look up from my cake and freeze. The man I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on has disappeared.
I leap up and immediately start putting my books, which I'm supposed to be fake studying, back in my bag. A couple patrons give me a funny look, but who cares? I could fail this mission, and if I do, justice will have to wait another day. Again.
I rush out of the cafe with my backpack unzipped. Pushing my glasses up, I weave through the crowd until I reach a long, deserted alley.
I walk straight to the back of the alley, swinging my bag off my shoulder. Putting it down, I pull out my handmade Hero Gear and snap them on. I slide off my glasses and put them in the bag as well.
In the span of five minutes, I change out of my civilian clothes and into my costume.
Unlike hero costumes, I can't take the risk of flashy outfits. So my costume is a simple black jumpsuit with a pair of black heavy-duty steel-toed boots.
I look back up the alley. No one's there. Breathing in deeply, I activate my power.
I leap straight up in the air. But when I fall back down, my feet are caught by swirling gusts of wind.
I let myself smirk. Perfect.
Stepping upwards in the air, I ascend into the sky.

As soon as I'm far enough away, I activate a second thing: the earpiece which allows me to communicate with the rest of the Phantoms.
The Phantoms are a vigilante group. My vigilante group. They're ghosts, practically. All of them have lives that mean if they do get caught, no one will care.
I falter. Including me. Who will care if I disappear? Would they even investigate? Would they even care?
I shake my head, as if I can send my thoughts flying. The other Phantoms would care. I know they would. We come before the mission, is what Blank Slate always tells us.
I narrow my eyes. I should focus on the mission, though. I can't botch it.
There's an electronic crackle, then Shard's voice fills my ear. "Yes?" He says. "Did you discover something?"
"Um, well..."
"Please tell me you didn't lose him."
"I may have lost him."
His sigh is loud in my ear. "He goes to the mall a lot. Check there."
"Roger that!" I squeal, just to annoy him. I even salute, though he can't see it.
He sighs again. "Please, Wind Walker.... Don't fail."

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