To Tame Two Monsters: Part Three

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Why in the world did I do that? Now everybody's staring at me even more.
A hoarse chuckle rolls across the plaza, startling me. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
I relax. He's not implying anything- I'm safe, for now.
A group of locals mutter amongst themselves, staring at me. Time to go.
I speed walk out of the plaza, tugging my hood down further.
I don't let my guard down as I scan the shops, hoping for someone to be hiring. I'm nearly at the end of the street, when I spot a Help Needed sign on the wall of a grocery store.
Breathing deeply to calm myself down, something she taught me years ago, I enter the grocery.
I go straight to the counter.
The worker dons a customer-friendly smile, though it falters when she sees me. "Yes?"
Suddenly feeling extremely out of place, I shove my hands in my pockets and mutter, "You were hiring?"
"Um. Yes?"
"Can I, um." I mumble. "You know."
"Weeelll." The worker draws the word out. "The owner sort of has a strict policy, and yeah. No hiring people who can't clean themselves up a bit, ya know?"
I look down, trying to wipe the crestfallen look off my face. It's not her fault. It's not even the owners fault.
"Alright." I hear myself say. "Then I'll leave." The words sound bitter, but they're already out there.
I turn and leave.


I run.
Somehow, I know the beam of light is still fixed to me.
I run until my legs hurt, until my bad endurance fades.
I run until I reach a street far away from the place where I let hunger take control.
Clawing at my stomach, I wish for a second that I could turn my nails into claws like werewolves, and rip out my stomach. I'm getting really, really tired of satisfaction being so hard to get.
Scowling, I pull my coat tighter around myself. I'll need to hunt again soon.
I look up at the dusty black sky. And I'll need a place to stay, even if just to try and avoid suspicion.
I came to this place for a reason, despite there being so many wannabe monster hunters. And that reason is connections.
I'm not a full-blood vampire. I was turned, by a pure-blood.
Inhaling, I let the memory wash over me.
They'd banished us from the village.
My little brother and sister whimpered, clutching the cloth of my shirt, looking up at me with charcoal eyes.
We'd been kicked out because of those eyes, those and our pale skin, black hair and gaunt frame. Of course, we weren't vampires. It was purely genetics.
But the village had decided it wasn't worth he risk. Then-
I shake my head slightly, trying to shake myself onto a different train of thought. Pondering on things already done just prolongs misery, Nero always said.

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