The Myth Of Athanasia

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Eons ago, there were gods. And there were humans.
There was only one core difference between gods and humans at those times. The gods had yet to truly flourish, shed their worldly flesh, and leave everything behind to acquire true godhood.
So what was the difference between gods and humans? Well, it was this: gods aspired to immortality. Humans did not.
When humans wanted immortality, they became gods. And when gods no longer wanted immortality, they became humans. That's how thin the line between them was. That changed, of course, but it hadn't reached that point of no return yet, for gods and humans alike.
One day, the Creator decided to do something. He created to a fair maiden, by the name Athanasia. Athanasia, whose name meant "immortality", could grant just that. Immortality, the desired state of all gods! By drinking the nectar she produced, you could be granted immortality!
It was every god's dream...
They came from near and far, all hoping for the nectar of immortality. And Athanasia gave it to them, because she had been commanded by the Creator to.
And all the gods were now immortal. Hours, then days, then weeks became mere seconds to them. Then months, years, decades, centuries... Human life flashed across their eyes like a bolt of lightning.
But no one, except for the most oblivious of them all, was happy. None of them could fall in love with humans; anyone who tried had to let them go in the blink of an eye. There were other gods, but those were few and far between, for there were not many foolish enough to search for immortality to begin with.
Now that they were immortal, they couldn't die in any way. Nothing alleviated the increasing agony of day after year after century of living. Human minds- because what were they but human? were not made to withstand such trials.
As the Creator watched gods suffer, he decided to make them a promise. The promise was this: he would give them back mortality, allow them to enjoy life, and never try anything like what he'd done with Athanasia ever again, as long as they promised to watch over humans, who were susceptible to attack from hostile entities.
Gods agreed, and after centuries of guardianship, they were stripped of their immortality. Peace returned to the world, albeit in a small way.
For no one, except the Creator, is capable of withstanding immortality.
At least in the beginning.

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