ARC 3 - Part 16: SANDF to the rescue?

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PART 16 

SANDF to the rescue?

Zola pulled off the safety on his gun and gestured for Puleng to remain silent. The figure was getting close, and it was hard to see it's features because of how dark it was. 

Since the windows were closed off with bookshelves, there was very little to no light entering the room. The figure was now two shelves away, and Zola decided it was now time to act. 

He lunged forward and jumped on top of the figure and threatened to hit it with his gun on the head, when he suddenly heard the figure let out a high-pitched, horrified scream.

"Holy shit! Don't kill me, please!", A man's voice cried out.

Zola paused and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He slowly got off the man and nervously ran his fingers through his hair, "Oh man! I'm so sorry, I thought you were one of those deformed people."

He let out his hand and helped the man up onto his feet. The man was breathing rapidly as he slowly took out his phone from his pocket and turned on the flashlight.

"No, I'm human!", The man said as he shone the light towards himself so that Zola could see him properly.

Zola sighed in relief when he noticed that it was just a normal guy. He was very tall, and had short, rough hair that was neatly trimmed and wore thin specs. 

He wore a green half jersey over a blue shirt, and he had a nametag on the left side of his chest, it had the logo and name of the library on top, and below it was written: 'Hello, My Name Is Neo'. He was a librarian.

"Good to know,", Zola cleared his throat nervously, "Sorry I attacked you and all..."

"No, it's alright,", Neo laughed nervously, "I would've done the same if I saw you first!"

Zola narrowed his eyes at him. 

"In fact, that was the reason I came down here,", Neo went on, "We heard the door burst open and we thought those freaks had gotten in. I came here to check if that was the case."

"Well, that's very risky, you're not even armed.", Zola said, "You could've died if indeed those things had gotten in, but lucky for you, it's just us."

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm armed!", he took out a cricket bat that he had hidden behind him, "This is my trusted weapon, and I never miss!"

"Right,", Zola nodded slowly, "So where have you been hiding and who are you with? I heard you mention 'we'."

"Oh, yeah, we been hiding at the storage room at the back. There's like six or seven of us, two civilians and the rest are just a bunch of Varsity kids who were here to do some research. I'm the librarian.", Neo said, "And you? Who are you with? You said, 'it's just us'?"

"Oh, I'm with my uh... My girlfriend's best friend,", Zola explained, "She's right this way."

"What the fuck are you doing with your girlfriend's best friend?", Neo smirked.

"It's a long story, but not what you think.", Zola led him to Puleng.

"Is that so?", He teased.

Neo followed Zola to behind the bookshelf. He shone his flashlight towards the far end and noticed a figure of a woman, and her thigh was painted bright red with dried blood. 

She covered her eyes with her hand because of the blinding light. Neo held his mouth with his hand and his eyes widened in horror, "Oh my God! What happened to her!?"

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