ARC 2 - Part 7: The Assassination Plan

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The Assassination Plan

Zola's words sounded like a lovely song to Tlhogi's ears. Her menacing grin never dropped, not even for a second. She felt quite delighted that Zola has finally agreed what she had asked of him, though she had doubts. 

Though she hadn't known him for long, but she knew that Zola was all about the thug life in the past, he had killed before, a few many times. He even went in and out of prison a couple of times. 

When he came out of prison after being arrested the fifth time, he decided to turn his life around, though he never shared with Tlhogi what inspired him to do so. The reason why she asked him to kill his brother, Tshepo, was because she knew he had killed many times before, so he won't show any remorse. 

She had considered doing it herself a few times, but knew she couldn't handle it, even though she now dislikes Tshepo that much, also, Zola was the only person she knew that can kill, and because of their relationship and her knowledge of his darkest secrets, she had a slight advantage.

"I will kill your brother, Tshepo, to make you the happiest woman in the world, Tlhogi.", These were the exact words that brightened up Tlhogi's mood that day, ever since she was kicked out of her home.

A long silence followed after, Tlhogi could barely speak due to the excitement she felt inside of her, she wanted to dance and scream in joy. The only man who stood in the way between her lifelong dream will finally be removed.

"Excellent!", She said after what seemed like eternity, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah, whatever. It's not like you gave me much of a choice anyway...", Zola sighed.

"Oh please, what else would you expect from a girl you just met at a night club and decided to open up to her like a book?", She giggled mercilessly, "But I'm glad you made the right decision, this is going to benefit both of us!"

"It will benefit you but I don't see how it'll benefit me."

"Oh, it will benefit you, a whole lot because nobody will ever find out about what you did, ever!", Tlhogi heard Zola sigh through the phone, "That's what you always wanted, isn't it? For no one to know about what you did to..."

"Let's not talk about that, please.", Zola interrupted, "Just tell me when to do the job so that we can get all of this over with."

"Patience, Zola!", She giggled out loud, "Patience is key to many successes, boo. Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours, all you have to do is meet me tomorrow at Saxon Hotel, you can come to my room so that we can have that conversation, okay?"

"Alright, fine. What time?"

"11am, sharp! That's when we'll discuss when and how to excecute our plot, as well as our alibis since I might obviously become a suspect, and so can you."

"Cool, see you then.", Zola hung up, the heavy burden of what he just agreed to do sunk in like a heavy rock in the sea, and he hated himself already for it. All he ever wanted was to live a normal life for a change, after having been exposed to crime at a very young age. 

He never had a normal childhood, and he remembers those days like they were yesterday, especially that one particular day when his mother was killed right in front of him.

It was just a regular wednesday, and Zola was on his way home for school. He was a first grader, and he had passed a small test from class the past few days. When he showed his mother, she was so happy, that she decided to buy him some delicious snacks and awesome toys at the mall on that Wednesday. 

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