ARC 1 - Part 3: Evolution Begins

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Sorry, this update is a bit short, yeah...



Evolution Begins

Amo kept moving around the cabin, frantically searching for things to upgrade using the nanochips in order to understand more on how they work, while Mothusi just sat on one of the smooth new couches, seemingly thinking hard. 

"Mo, can you please help me look for more old and broken things we can upgrade and such?", Amo asked, she had a bunch of stuff in her arms she wanted to upgrade, some old, torn clothes, old cups and dishes, old equipment and so on.

 It turns out the nanochips didn't upgrade everything in the house since it was only one cylinder, which wasn't even full, they weren't enough, so Amo thought of using the other cylinders as well. She noticed how Mothusi was just sitting down, not at all paying attention to her.

 He seemed to be in very deep thought. "Are you okay, sweetheart?", She put the things on another couch and sat next to him. 

Mothusi sighed deeply, "Sweetheart, I don't think this is a very good idea...", he said, a small tremor was slightly evident in his voice.

"What do you mean it's not a good idea? We're gonna help lots of people and bring up a whole new evolution!", Amo said, her eyes glimmering in excitement.

"Please always keep in mind that the nanochips aren't even ours, we promised to just study them and bring them back..."

"Yes we did, but we can make the world into a better place with them. Just think about it!"

"I know, but they are not ours, and we can't just take them."

"But Mo..."

"We finished studying them, we now know what they are and what they do. I think its best we just put them back.", He sighed deeply once more.

"No, Mo. We can't do that. Don't you want a better life for our people?"

"I do, but..."

"No buts! Look at this place, darling! It was a disgusting place when we got here, a horrible place fit for nightmares, but look at what the nanochips did, they turned it into something spectacular! Far different from what it used to look like!", She held his hand tightly in hers, "Millions of our people live in those kind of conditions, Mo, in places that are fit for nightmares; heavily polluted villages and towns with rundown buildings and a troubled youth, poverty runs freely in the streets, laughing at their faces every day, mocking their feeble attempts at trying to make an honest living. With these nanites, we can change that, Mo! Imagine all the joy and excitement the people would have if they lived in beautiful places like this and lived a decent life! It's just like you said, Mo, we can change the world with them, we can change lives!"

"I hear you, loud and clear. I know what it's like to suffer like those people, and I so wish it could all change, I would change it if I could, and I could, we could, with these nanochips, but we don't know the forces we're dealing with, and what consequences might come soon after..."

"But Mo, we're doing this for a good cause, it's not like we're using them for our own gain, we are trying to make the world a better place for all. I believe the owner would instead be proud of what we're trying to do instead of being mad."

"I don't have much hope on that one. And how the hell can we help the people when you just wanna use them all to fix your old clothes and useless junk?"

Amo laughed out loud, "It's only the testing stage, but they are living things, I'm certain that they reproduce."

"How sure are you about that?"

"I'm very sure!"

"Well, if you say so then, we should use the next ones to fix the van. The door fell off, remember?"

"Yes, I remember.", Amo stood up to get another cylinder of nanochips. "So, how and when do you think we should start helping people with the nanites?"

"I'm thinking much sooner than later, we can help by upgrading power stations all over the country so that they have unlimited energy for electricity, load shedding is such a pain."

"That's a great idea! Then, we can use them to fix faulty water pipes so that people in developing towns and villages never struggle with water never again!", Amo held one cylinder in her hand, brainstorming excitedly.

"Yes, then after that, we fix roads, broken houses, and everything else that needs to be improved. Then after that, South Africa could become a better place! Then soon after, the whole world!"

They both cheered excitedly. Making the world a better place had always been a dream for them, and they always hoped to achieve it, but they did not know how at first, until they discovered the nanochips.

 They knew they had the most powerful weapon ever to change the world, and they couldn't wait to start. Soon after, the couple helped so many people after the nanochips reproduced; they helped stop load shedding in South Africa by providing unlimited electricity for all by using the nanochips, which couldn't be tampered with or connected illegally. 

They then helped fix broken water pipes so that everyone had access to clean and fresh water all the time, just as they planned. After that, the fixed roads, then people's houses, as well as provided jobs for many, who would be working with the nanochips, studying them and helping improve them, as they taught many people about their discovery. 

The couple basically ended poverty in South Africa, and soon after, in the whole of Africa. They became very well known for their deeds, and with fame came wealth, and just like that, their lives changed. 

They made lots of money by upgrading military and law enforcement weapons, selling upgraded clothing, food, vehicles, and many more, under their company, NanoCorp. They were able to develop the nanites to upgrade specific things, and they were arranged in different categories. The weakest nanochips were called the N-10's, they were the ones capable of upgrading small stuff like food, clothes, etc, while the strongest, the N-20's, were responsible for upgrading the big stuff like vehicles, weapons, power tools, gadgets etc.

While still enjoying their massive success, the couple then decided to marry, ten years after they discovered the nanochips. Now Mr and Mrs. Mokhele, they soon had children, whom they hoped that they can learn about the nanochips so that they can carry on the family's legacy. 

In total, Mothusi and Amo Mokhele had four children, thirty years after their discovery, which were equally divided as two boys and two girls. 

Their eldest child was their first ever daughter named DItlhogonolofatso, a smart as hell girl, seemingly without limits. The second eldest is their first son, Tshepo, a down to earth boy who is very respectful and caring towards everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. 

The third child is the second daughter, Keitumetse, also very smart like her older sister and multitalented, always oozing with confidence. Katlego is the youngest of all the Mokhele children, He is often very joyful and innocent, and loves making new friends.

Amo and Mo hope that at least one of these children will carry on the torch of NanoCorp and the Mokhele legacy, as they look forward to introducing new forms of nanochips they just developed to the whole world. The main difference between these up-and-coming nanochips and the original ones, is that instead of upgrading everything, they become everything. 

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