ARC 2 - Part 9: Build up to the ceremony

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Build up to the ceremony

The final few days passed by so quickly, and it was now Friday morning. Tshepo spent those days signing the NanoCorp contracts to become CEO and finishing up his study on nanochips with the help of Mothusi and Amo. 

He wasn't quite done, but Mothusi assured him he will learn more along the way since everything all happened in such a short notice. 

"I'm not so sure about all of this, dad.", Tshepo said, he sat in his room, facing the mirror. While his father stood further behind him, against the wall, looking at his tablet. "I don't even know much about the nanochips, I don't think I can do all of this."

"Tshepo, we've had this conversation a thousand times already,", Mothusi whined, sounding very frustrated, "I told you me and your mother will never change our minds, and that's that."

 He never looked away from his iPad. It was as if he was busy with something very important that requires no disturbance. But why in Tshepo's room? The reason he came in there was because he wanted to tell Tshepo how excited he was about that day, and he believed Tshepo was excited too. 

But it didn't seem like Tshepo was at all excited, he didn't even show up for breakfast. Mothusi figured that it was because he was nervous, but it was deeper than that. 

He didn't want to do all of this, and it was quite evident. But Mothusi decided to ignore it, he was doing what's best for his son and their legacy, he might not realise any of that now, but he will soon, that's what he believed.

"Today is a big day, son. I could barely sleep due to all the excitement bubbling up inside of me,", Mothusi giggled nervously, finally lifting his gaze from his tablet. 

He looked at Tshepo through the mirror with tearful eyes, and Tshepo looked away, "It's hard to believe that your mother and I have gotten this far... Judging from where we came from, how it all began; we had nothing, but here we are!"

"We changed the world as it was, and now, we have built a legacy, and our very own son is about to take that legacy even further by making the world a better place!", He walked towards him and gently placed his hand on his shoulder, "It feels just like yesterday when you were just a small boy, always playing with your bike in the garden, laughing cheerfully..."

"Ah, I remember those days,", Tshepo smiled to himself in the mirror, "I used to hate that bike cause I didn't know how to ride it, until Sister Tlhogi taught me, she showed me how fun bikes can be, and after that, I loved playing with my bike!"

"Now, you're a grown man, a man who's about to make the Mokhele name even more powerful.", He smiled proudly, ignoring what he just said, "I'm very proud of you son.", He kept rubbing his shoulder gently.

"It's such a big responsibility, I'm just not sure if I'm ready..."

"Trust me, you're ready.", He looked him in the eye, smiling, "Because if you weren't, your mother and I couldn't have chosen you to carry on this big responsibility."

Tshepo nodded slowly as his insides twisted in response of his nervousness and disgust. He couldn't believe that today he was about to stab his sister in the back by taking away all her dreams. He felt really horrible, he couldn't even stand the sight of himself in the mirror.

"I believe in you, Tshepo. You got this!", Mothusi assured him, he was trying to motivate him, but that only made him feel worse, He looked away from the mirror to stare at his fidgeting hands.

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