Nine: the Black Dog

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After Bruce's funeral at the Santana do Livramento, the capitol land of werewolves, life had a way of moving forward without those among the living. In the morning, at the Great Gray lodge, Austin was hard at work on making potions. He was a young apprentice in the ancient art of Magic, which drew its power from the natural world.

"One mandrake petal," Austin said as he carefully plucked a petal from the rare flower and added it to his potion. A small, furry neighbor, a wispy sprite named Alana, hopped onto his hands. "Please, sound, sound through the night forest. Sing, sing, young hawthorns. Let your thorns pierce the creeping hooves," he chanted, and magical particles, known as "Essence," began to swirl into the mixture.

Austin was attempting to craft a "Somnium Ward," a potion to protect against nightmares.

Blazea approached him. "Austin, when do you think you can finish the order for the old lady at the foot of the hill?" she asked.

"I just finished mixing a pint of hops and five leaves of lavender for the insomnia pillow," Austin replied, "and this is the Somnium Ward. But I think I might have added too much Essence..."

Just then, a wooly bug took a sniff of the potion and promptly fell asleep. "Ah... You used too much magic, Austin. It's turned into a sleeping potion!" Blazea chuckled.

Austin sighed, "I know, I know. Proportions are key, but it's hard to get it just right.”

Blazea modded, "Remember, Magic relies on balance and harmony with nature. Too much Essence can disrupt that balance. Keep practicing, and you'll master it."

As Austin worked on adjusting the potion, he thought about the fundamentals of Magic. He knew that Essence was drawn from the natural world, and that different ingredients had unique properties. He had learned about the importance of proportions and the risks of overusing magic, which could lead to unintended consequences like the sleeping potion.

In the serene garden of the Great Gray lodge, Austin sat surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of birds. Winter, Anakin and Willow, joined him in his studies. Since learning of his crucial role, Austin's friends had taken his magical education to the next level.

"Today, we'll explore the concept of 'Resonance,'" Anakin began, "the harmony between magical energies and the natural world. Understanding Resonance is crucial, as it can amplify or hinder your spells."

Austin listened intently as they delved into the intricacies of magic. He learned about the delicate balance between elements, how certain ingredients could enhance or counteract each other, and the importance of considering the lunar cycles and seasonal changes when crafting potions.

Anakin spoke of ancient traditions, long forgotten by many, but still practiced by a select few. "The art of 'Echoing' allows us to tap into the residual magic of the land, but it requires great care, as it can awaken dormant energies, both benevolent and malevolent. And then there are the 'Duality Herbs,' like the Wolf's Bane and the Moonpetal. These plants hold both medicinal and poisonous properties, making them potent tools in the right hands, but dangerous in the wrong ones."

As the lesson progressed, Austin began to grasp the complexity of Magic. He realized that every action, every ingredient, and every intention had a ripple effect, influencing the world around him. The weight of this responsibility settled upon him, and he vowed to wield his growing powers with wisdom and caution.

With each passing day, Austin's understanding of magic deepened, and his connection to the natural world grew stronger. He was determined to master the ancient arts, to protect the harmony of the world he had come to love.

“Hey, Guys, we’re going out for a while.” Greylen said.

“Okay.” Anakin said.

On a path leaving Great Gray lodge, everyone got it in the van, except Alisa.

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