Three: The Secret Life of the American Wolf

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After some looking, Austin was finally able to find the broom and hammer. The majority of the rest of the day was spent helping to clean up the mess he had made.

He used the broom and dustpan to sweep the crystalised flowers into wooden bins, while Jason chipped away at the stuck rocks on the floor. It didn't take too long to get everything packed away, especially with the other kids and creatures that were milling about the room helping.

"Austin." appeared in the doorway and beckoned the younger boy over.

He was led to the room Miss McCain had been working in while everyone else had been cleaning up. She gestured to a table where several items were sitting. "An ocean alloy knife forged with the nectar of a crystal moon flower, an overcoat woven from thunderbird feathers. Let's see, there's also a glashtyn hide, a serviceable belt, and I think I'll go ahead and throw in a string of steel ivy and a loupe of fluorspar." She smiled proudly at all of the items on the table.

Austin didn't know what to say. He had just met this woman and made a complete mess in her home, now she was making these things for him? "They just need a bit of tweaking. They should be finished by the time everything is all cleaned up."

After the room was cleaned up as Austin's arms were sore from carrying so many boxes. After putting the cleaning supplies away, he found Kylee with Willow, Vega, Lumiya, Jackson, Lupin and Aki. The four of them had been helping him with the boxes.

He was surprised to see them there. Kylee smiled, "We just wanted to help."

Austin was grateful for their help. He thanked them and promised that they would be finished soon. After putting the cleaning supplies away, it wasn't long before Miss McCain appeared with a brown paper bag.

She handed it to Austin and was surprised at how heavy it was. "Here you go. Well, Take care now. And you behave." She sent Jason a withering glance. He looked annoyed. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." She patted Austin on the head as he opened the shop door for them. As they walked down the street, Austin sent one last wave back, and Miss McCain hardily returned it.

The walk back to the train station was quiet, neither saying a word, but that was alright with Austin. He was content to just enjoy the walk, the warmth of the sun, and the company of Jason and the others. He was grateful for their care and support.

He hoped that it would be enough to help him get through this difficult time. He was determined to stay strong and make the most of the situation.

When they arrived at the station and waited for their train, Austin never thought to see Seattle. He was excited to see the city, but he also felt a deep sense of sadness from leaving behind people in Minnesota at the orphanage. He felt a sinking feeling in his chest.

Austin hoped that he would be allowed to come back and explore the city again soon. As they waited, he observed the other people there. He noticed how friendly everyone was and how excited they were to be there. Austin felt a sense of hope and he was determined to make the best of it.

They didn't have to wait very long before their train arrived. They sped farther and farther along into the country. They arrived back home. Home. How weird and wonderful that word was. He took in the smell of the late afternoon, and the grit in the air that came from the dusty road they walked. Crickets were just beginning to sing in the underbrush. It was peaceful. "Based on that display earlier, I take it you like dandelions."

It had been so quiet that Jason' comment startled him "I think so. I don't know many flowers, so wouldn't really know. I just had a happy memory of them. Miss McCain had said to think of a flower, and I had been given a poppy flower as a gift once, while I was in the orphanage."

An intriguing tale about the wolf's mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن