Two: meet the werewolves of the great wolf Lodge

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The next morning in Austin's room, Austin yawned and stretched, feeling the soft blanket brush against his skin, and noticed his room was a bit different, it's the same room that he was given in at the mansion.

So it hadn't been a dream.

Well, in the sense that it was a real hallucination he had. Then he rushed out of the room and went to find Jason.

Just then, a lady in red arrived in the hallway. She smiled at Austin and set a pile of something on the top of the dresser, then left. Austin made her way over to see what had been brought in.

The first item was a pair of jeans pants. The next item was a white shirt with a high collar and sleeves out at the shoulders. There was also a red shirt to go with it and some underwear.

Unlike the clothes he had been given yesterday, these seemed like they would fit him properly. He slipped on the new clothes, putting the red shirt under the white shirt, then looked at herself in the mirror. Austin was unfamiliar with the person looking back at him.

This was the first time he had seen himself, without crying to sleep, He didn't look crazy or like a lunatic in these clothes. They made him seem mature and professional, Another knock came from the door and a boy at the age of 17 entered.

"Hey, Austin, my name is Anakin Skywalker." the boy introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Austin Reese." Austin introduced himself.

"Oh, Good, do you like your new clothes," Anakin said.

He then grabbed Austin's wrist and began dragging him out of the room. "Hey! Where are we going?!" Austin said.

Anakin didn't answer and continued to pull him down the stairs. They didn't stop until they reached the kitchen, and Austin had to catch her breath when they finally came to a halt.

"Hey, Austin." At the kitchen table sat Jason, didn't look up as they came in, instead he was eating with other kids, "How did you sleep, Austin?"

"Ah, Austin. Come eat with us." Anakin said.

"Ok!" Austin said.

Austin did as he was told and took a Eggs Benedict from the food set out before him.

"You are going through a lot of trouble to make me feel welcome", Austin noted.

"Yeah, my dad made someone promise to find you." Jason said.

"Find me?" Austin asked. a knot of confusion forming in his stomach.

Jason nodded. "Yeah, you're important, Austin. Or at least, that's what my dad said."

"It's true, a friend of his discovered you were missing, so he figured out you were at the auction." Anakin said. "So yeah."

Austin's mind whirled with questions, but he didn't know where to begin. He had always been an ordinary teenage boy, living an ordinary life. What could possibly make him so important?

Anakin moved to the stove and began to heat a pot of some sort. Anakin watched as he began to move about the kitchen, preparing some food with the lady in red. Austin leaned over to Jason.

"Who is she? Who are them?" Austin said.

"I had a name, it is Ailsa." She said,

"She's a Neighbor who lives here called Silver Lady. She's a type of faerie, a silkie, that enjoys doing household chores. Cooking, laundry, tending the hearth. She's responsible for your clothing as well." Jason said.

"Oh. Thank you." Austin said.

"You're welcome but I don't do all of it." Ailsa said. "I don't think of myself as a servant so much as a landlady who looks after this house, right, guys."

An intriguing tale about the wolf's mateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant