Ten: The Gathering Storm

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In the healing Hut. Jason is in his transformed werewolf estate as James stands by his Praying Mantis Chimera.

"Jason." Asta said

"What are you so mad about?" James said as Jason turned toward him.

As Austin begins to fall. "Ah... Hey!" Asta said as he caught Austin.

Asta held Austin upright, concern etched on his face. "Austin, what's wrong?"

Austin's eyes fluttered open, his gaze hazy. "James...his chimera...it's not just any chimera..."

Jason, still in his werewolf form, took a step closer, his growl low and menacing. "What do you mean, Austin?"

Austin's voice was weak but urgent. "James has been experimenting with dark magic...twisting the natural order. His chimera is a product of that darkness."

James sneered, his eyes gleaming with madness. "You're just now figuring this out? How quaint."

Asta's grip on Austin tightened. "We need to get him out of here, Jason. He's hurt worse than we thought."

As Asta turned to leave, James snarled, "You're not going anywhere!" His chimera, the Praying Mantis, lunged forward, its claws snapping wildly.

Jason transformed further, his werewolf form growing larger and more ferocious. "I'll handle this, dog. Get Austin to safety!"

"Ok! And my name is Asta." Asta said.

"Asta, I finally know your name." Jason said.

"Asta, this way." Lumiya said as she was her wolf pup form.

The battle between Jason and the chimera intensified, the hut shaking from their clashes. Asta swiftly carried Austin away from the chaos, seeking a safe haven to tend to his wounds and unravel the mysteries of James's dark magic.

"Woah! How rude! I was still talking." James said as Jason attacked the Chimera again, ripping off an arm.

James's eyes widened in outrage as he stumbled backward, his chimera stumbling alongside him. "You'll pay for that, you beast!" he spat, his voice trembling with rage.

Asta and Lumiya, with Austin in tow, made their escape, leaving the hut and its chaos behind. As they emerged into the cool night air, Asta called out, "Lumiya, can you scout ahead and make sure we're not being followed?"

Lumiya yipped and darted off into the darkness, her wolf pup form disappearing into the shadows. Asta followed at a slower pace, carrying Austin with care.

As they put distance between themselves and the hut, Austin's eyes flickered open once more. "Asta...James's dark magic...it's not just the chimera...he's planning something bigger..."

Asta's expression turned grim. "We'll worry about that later, Austin. First, we need to get you healed and safe."

But Austin's words hung in the air, a ominous warning of the dangers yet to come.

"Come on, you!" Asta sees a flashback of Isabelle, dead. "Allura..."

In Asta's memory. Austin wakes up in a field.

"Where am I?" Austin asked to himself.

"Allura, did they tease you again?" Asta said.

"It's that boy's voice." Austin said.

"This is the appearance that God gave me. It's not like I can help that my hair is carrot-colored, or that my eyes are the color of weeds." Allura said.

"I love you no matter what you look like. Cheer up." Asta said.

"Asta?" Allura called out.

Asta pops out of a patch of grass with a rabbit.

An intriguing tale about the wolf's mateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora