Seven: The Alpha of werewolves

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At the lake where the corruption lies. James sits on a tree branch nearby as he watches the moon while Selene deals with the werewolves while Austin handles the corruption.

"How irresponsible. You don't care if he dies or succeeds?" Selene said.

"He won't die, and I don't intend to let him." Jason said.

Just then, An explosion comes from corruption. Flower petals erupt from the corruption, revealing Chise, Jade, and Lrya, both safe and well.

And soon the sun began to peek over the horizon, a powerful surge of energy erupted from Austin as Jason and the other wolves turned back into Humans.

"Good work, Austin." Jason said.

"Jason." Austin said. "Flowers, huh?"

Jasper said. "My Queen."

Barney said. "You're safe!"

"That was clever." Anakin said.

Jade, with her characteristic wit, retorted, "Austin is not solely about destruction."

In the wake of the battle, as the sun rose higher in the sky, a sense of tranquility settled over the lake and its surroundings. The corruption had been quelled, and the group of heroes stood victorious. They had faced formidable challenges and emerged triumphant, their bonds strengthened through shared experiences and unwavering determination.

As Austin gazed upon Selene, Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still. In that moment, the chaos and turmoil of the battle faded away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and connection.

And soon, Selene put her hood up and started to walk away.

In the morning's embrace, Jason's voice hung in the air, laced with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Are you leaving? You still haven't revealed the purpose of your visit," he said, his gaze fixed on Selene.

Selene's eyes bore an ethereal glow, reflecting the fading light. A serene smile graced her lips as she responded, "The corruption that plagued this realm has been eradicated. My purpose here is fulfilled. As for the boy, Austin, his destiny lies in your hands. Wield his power with caution, for countless entities covet his abilities."

With a gentle sigh, Selene's figure shimmered like a mirage, dissipating into the shadows. Jason's eyes widened in a mix of awe and uncertainty as he witnessed the sorceress's ethereal departure.

A sudden cry pierced the silence, pulling Jason back to the present. Austin, who had been standing nearby, stumbled forward, his body succumbing to exhaustion. With swift reflexes, Jason caught the young boy, cradling him in his arms.

Concern etched on his face, Jason turned to his companions, seeking answers. "What's happening to Austin?" he asked, his voice filled with urgency.

Jade, the Ariel, stepped forward, her eyes scanning Austin's form. "His magical production circuits appear to be depleted. He requires rest," she explained.

Anakin, the stoic warrior, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Sleep will aid in his recovery," he said.

A sense of relief washed over Jason as he carried Austin to a bed that they carried. Gently, he laid the young boy on the soft bed, ensuring his comfort.

As Austin drifted into a peaceful slumber, his breathing gradually steadied. Jason's mind raced, contemplating the ominous prophecy that loomed over Austin's future. The revelation had left him with a heavy heart, but he was determined to find a way to alter the boy's fate.

A soft whisper broke the silence, causing Jason to turn his gaze towards Austin. The young boy's eyes fluttered open, revealing a hint of fear and vulnerability. "Hey, Jason," Austin uttered feebly.

An intriguing tale about the wolf's mateWhere stories live. Discover now