70. Fixing A Bond

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"So when you told us you weren't coming with us after I thought I was never going to see you again... it broke me, but I hid it the way I always do, and resorted to anger so you wouldn't see me vulnerable. And then I kept doubling down when I started to panic at seeing you straying away and my pride just wouldn't let me give in to my emotions..."

At this point, she was sobbing quietly, not even acknowledging the tears falling down her cheeks, her shaking hand holding a handkerchief. Seeing her like this, I just thought that my mother really needed therapy to dismantle the mess her parents left in her mind.

My own lip trembled, and I bit down to hide it, and then I realized, my mother's way must have rubbed on me a bit. I always hid my emotions back at school, for example, because being vulnerable meant the people there had an opening to attack and leave victorious.

I hid how much I hated not being as close to my older sibling as I wanted. I never had a problem with that with my dad. He always knew how to read me like a book. He had this older look in his eyes that gave you a sense of peace and comfort, and I just gave in to him, like going to hug a teddy bear.

But I also learned that communication was key to maintain relationships, so even if my instincts would tell me to go hide when I was feeling upset, I knew better than that, and to best go to my mate. Phoenix was my safe place and I knew he would never judge me... unless I do something stupid, of course.

"So... You don't hate me?" I asked, tentatively.

My mom gasped, shocked.

"Of course not! I could never! I just..." she sighed. "I just wasn't ready to let you go again. I know it's selfish, but I wanted to keep you to myself. When you showed up with your boyfriend, I panicked, and I felt threatened, which is ridiculous. Of course, you'll eventually find someone to marry. I just didn't think it would be so soon. I should have been happy that you finally brought a man to us. For a moment there we thought you liked girls and didn't dare to tell us... " she explained. "Which we would have been okay with! Of course!" she added quickly and I snorted.

Seriously mom??

I offered her a small smile, to which her eyes sparkled, a smile growing on her face, but I didn't want my mom to get her hopes up, even though hearing her apologize lifted a weight off my heart.

"But just you know, mom, I refuse to go through this again. You need to learn to manage your emotions..."

And I continued to lay everything in front of her. She will be on trial, and she won't interact with Brax until I know for sure she was there to stay, because I didn't want Brax to get attached to someone that might not be always there. Mom was of course sad, but she understood. Since my wedding was in a week, I had to rush the speech about who I really was, and where I lived. I thought it was going well until... she fainted when I had to show her my eyes and claws.

Dad and I rushed to lay her down and waited for her to wake up to continue the talk so we could call the wizard. In the end, she was able to accept it and took the oath. After the wizard left, she still looked a bit dazed and lost, but she insisted if this was what needed to be done to be part of my and the kids' life, she would do it.

I don't think she truly believed me. She seemed to be more on autopilot, so decided to show her my home so she wouldn't be all over the place on my wedding day. My dad had to push her into the portal because she started to panic and wouldn't move, and once on the other side, she was looking everywhere, amazed at the different scenarios and the vibrant nature.

The tour went well until she saw a dragon flying in the sky and she fainted after screaming her lungs out. Luckily, Phoenix was able to catch her before she hit the floor. We waited for her to wake up before taking my parents back home, or else she would have thought it was all a dream.

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