71. My One & Only

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Seemed like all I needed to feel like a Queen was a gown and a crown. The jewels in my hair added to it, of course. And let's not forget the jewelry with real diamonds and rubies and the lot! Damn. It was scary handling these kinds of items that were so valuable, but as a Queen, it should be my normal now.

I move my head ever so slightly just to feel the diamond earrings swing, their weight making them more real.

I was ready. My makeup was done, and my hair was down in a beautiful braid that made me feel I was about to walk into a fairy tale.

 My makeup was done, and my hair was down in a beautiful braid that made me feel I was about to walk into a fairy tale

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My dress fell on me, flowing under my belly. I loved how the fabric felt against my skin, soft and cool. It sparkled under the lights and I couldn't wait for Phoenix to see me in the dress. It felt amazing!

(Just add a watermelon to it and it will be perfection😆)

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(Just add a watermelon to it and it will be perfection😆)

Then my maid had to help me put my flats on since I could barely bend at this point.

And then... the final touch, the one that made me a Queen... The crown. When Phoenix showed it to me I was left speechless, and I had to remember how to breathe. It was beautiful. Completely covered in small diamonds I was so scared of touching it. I thought it would be heavier, but when I grabbed it, it had the perfect weight. Not too light nor too heavy.

 Not too light nor too heavy

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