~ His little Kitten ~

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How does it feel to return home after a exhausting day at work?, Jungkook asked himself. He entered the passcode and opened the door, heaving a sigh of relief.

Relaxed and peaceful, He answered his own question in his mind before removing his shoes and turning on the lights of the living room. He propped down on the couch and threw his head back.

His eyes closed as he let himself relax until he felt his little fur ball climb on his lap. He opened his eyes with a soft chuckle, His hands running through the soft fur of his beautiful Calico cat.

"Did you miss me My Little Kitten?" He whispered in his deep husky voice as he drew the kitten closer to his chest. His heart softened for no one other than the little fur ball that was cuddled on his chest.

The kitten purred in response to the soft caress. It's face snuggled into Jungkook's chest enjoying the warmth that radiated off his body. "I missed you too my little fur ball" Jungkook pecked it's forehead.

His cat wasn't exactly a kitten just a bit smaller compared to the cats it's age. Jungkook was almost worried that he didn't feed it enough but the vet eased his worries. Correction tried to but everyone knew that Jeon Jungkook was too protective of stuff that belonged to him.

"Are you sleepy?" Jungkook whispered looking at the sleepy eyes of his kitten. It was barely keeping it's eyes open. Jungkook smiled at that and carried it to his bedroom before placing the kitten on his bed.

The sleepy kitten instantly fell asleep when it's fur touched the soft surface of the bed. Jungkook smiled as he glanced out of the floor to ceiling window staring at that full moon that shined in the night sky.

"It's a full moon night" He whispered to himself before leaning down and pecking the little kitten's forehead. He stripped his shirt off and walked over to the bathroom for a quick shower before he got ready for bed.

He took his time showering and relaxing his tensed muscles before he wrapped a towel around his lower waist and walked over to the walk in closet. He wore a simple white tee and sweatpants before grabbing a extra pair of clothing and walked out of the bathroom.

A beautiful smile appeared on his face as his eyes lit up. On his bed, he could see the outlines of a sleeping boy instead of his little kitten. He smiled and walked over to the sleeping naked boy before dressing him up in a comfortable outfit and pecking his forehead.

"I missed you Jimin, even though I love your cat form, I still love your human form more" Jungkook layed down beside Jimin and pulled the cat boy in his arms.  Jimin was a hybrid, one of the rare beings living on this planet.

Because Jimin was still young he didn't know how to change into his human form after he becomes a cat. He usually turns into a cat when he gets shocked, suprised, scared or gets hurt physically or mentally but on the night of a full moon he turns back into a human with a pair of cat ears and a cute tail.

The last time he turned into a cat was five days ago because he had accidentally tripped and hurt himself. His inner instincts sensed the pain and he turned into a cat. Jungkook was always protective of Jimin because of this reason.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Jungkook with his bright eyes. "K-Kookie?" Jungkook cooed at that and buried his face in Jimin's neck. "Oh my little kitten I missed the sound of your voice" Jungkook pecked the exposed skin of Jimin's neck numerous times.

Jimin giggled when Jungkook did that. The feeling of being in Jungkook's arms hits different when he is in his human form. "I missed your giggles too" Jungkook pulled Jimin more closer until there was no gap between them. Their bodies intertwined in every possible way.

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