Chapter 43

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                   Yajna's PoV

There was knife on her neck I was frozen on the place my heart was racing like never before as if the knife wasn't on her neck but mine. As if it's not her life which was on stake but it was mine. She is my lifeline if she doesn't live in this world I won't be able to live in it too if I am moon then she is sun providing light to moon to shine bright in night sky if I am life she is oxygen that would keep me alive. I can't exist without her Nothing should happen to her

I immediately alerted my PA to call police at my location. But I have to keep her uncle busy until police arrives here. I don't know how he escaped the jail it's my fault I should have made sure he dies in jail I cursed myself.

The chaos at beginning has died down now. I can see Kashvi's face has turned white.

"Please uncle leave me. Why are you doing this?" I heard Kashvi pleading while tears of fear running down her face.

He laughed out loud evilly, " you will face similar fate like mine Kashvi. I won't let Mohan and his children have happiness when he snatched mine."

"What are you talking about uncle what has my father did?"

" Your father separated me from the love of my life. And now I won't let you have your love of life I already snatched it from abhimaan and Mohan was too weak to ever fall in love with his own wife." He said disdain running on his face Hearing it everyone looked shocked including Kashvi's mother.

" what are you even talking about?" I exclaimed in shock and frustration is he even sane. How many things are we unaware of what mess our parents has created.

" I was in love with your ma and she too was in love with me. We were 19 and madly in love with each other Mohan hadn't married yet. Your father and Mohan used to be best friends. Mine and sayukta's caste was different and Mohan was completely against it. So your father and Mohan made plan they told everything that was happening between me and Sanyukta to Sanyukta's parents. They beat her up and decided to marry her off I begged them that I loved her let me get married to her but they didn't listen. Your father and Sanyukta were of same caste so Mohan suggested their alliance to Sanyukta's parents. They agreed and married her off to your father. I begged my own brother to talk to her parents but he refused he separated us. I never married after that just waited that she would come to me. she used to but at night when everyone slept that too after you were born till then I just waited we had child together your younger sister is our daughter but she also can't get my name. I lost dream of my perfect life to Mohan and your father's evil plan and when she got to know I raped her daughter she slapped me that shock took her life but I won't stop I will ruin everyone related to Mohan that's why I married his wife and now I will kill his daughter. My revenge will be completed I will give justice to my love." Tears were running down his face. I looked at kashvi with stunned expression and I found her in similar ones.

My ma was cheating on my father, she died not because of my father but because of this disgusting revenge hungry man. My younger sister is not my sister, Whatever happened to him was wrong society needs to get over these caste barrier in love but it's still doesn't justify his action my parents played such evil game due to which my sister and abhimaan face consequences and now they are faced by me and kashvi how can they do this to us?

Suddenly I heard the sound of gun firing when I looked I was able to see Kashvi's uncle on ground and sobbing in pain. Police has emptied premises and taking her uncle into custody. I wasn't in any state to process everything I was too shocked my entire life was a lie. I had a cheating mother who never loved my father and a father who deceived my mother.

Kashvi was in shock too but today I wasn't able to fight my demons I simply was questioning my entire existence it was all lie. Everyone was lying to me left and right I don't know what was right and wrong now. The only person who didn't lie was kashvi and I ended up holding her as culprit. I was her culprit I did so wrong to her.I don't know when kashvi held my hand and made me enter in her childhood room I was sitting on her bed still in shock of what our parents did. How could they due to them I lost my sister I was about to lose my love, Siya and I faced so many difficulties just for their false pride.

I felt kashvi cupping my cheeks, " hey yajna look at me." I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. I know what you are feeling but you weren't responsible for what our parents did. We all were victims. So don't think of it much." She kissed my forehead I closed my eyes tear ran down my face then she kissed both of my eyes one after another. She embraced me while climbing on in my lap keeping her cheek on my head. I hugged her back my cheek was touching her breast I closed my eyes

" everything was lie doll. Siya is not my sister, my ma cheated, your father and mine were so evil to your uncle and my ma. I lost my sister and you lost your brother to this sick prejudiced mentality doll I blamed you for no reason and hated you. everything is lie my entire existence is lie." I pulled her closer crushing her in my arms and I kept crying my heart out.

" shhh yajna shhh."she tried to shush me feathering my head lightly.

" You and I are truth yajna. My love for you and yours for me is truth." She took a pause.

"Siya is still your sister nothing has changed and I am still with you. It was written like this and it happened." She tried to make me understand

" I love you so much yajna you can't even imagine how much I love you. Even if you feel everyone betrayed you look around siya, I and my ma never betrayed you yajna. You have to get up and forget this incident for us."

I pulled her even closer to me buried my face in her breast, " my life is filled with darkness and you are the sunshine saviour of it doll. Thanks for never hating me even when I tortured you and accused you."

I looked up at her glowing face she smiled at me and bent down a little she pecked on my lips. I tried to capture her lip but she quickly pulled away from me.

" we still have to get married Mr. Thakur." She smiled mischievously and I smiled back at her.

But then she again kept her lips on my and started kissing me while rubbing my forearms I pulled her closer to me kissing her back while keeping my hands on her waist and rubbing it slowly.

We slept on bed while kissing each other she was on my chest after some time we stopped making out. We were lying on bed in peaceful silence I was unconscious running my hands in her hair and she was just sleeping on my chest. The serenity I felt in that moment was the same I was searching for my entire life. She has always been my peace. Slowly I drifted off into sleep because of stress of everything happened today.

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