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Cody looked up from his computer screen, Abigail's humming snatching his attention. She was sitting on one of the vacant seats in the hospital room, pressing her phone, grinning from ear to ear. The sun shone behind her, casting a fiery glow on the wig she wore

"Stop that," he said.

Abigail blinked at him, her face blank. "Stop what?"

"That thing you're doing with your face. It's disturbing."

Pursing her lips, Abigail stood and walked to sit on the bed beside him. She pinched his pale cheek lightly, plastering on a smile as she said in a bantering tone, " Look at you. Good to know your sense of humor is still very much intact."

Usually Cody pulled away from such touches but today he let her brush his hair back gently. She visited him as often as worl would allow, and with each visit, he noticed her clothes got fancier. Now, for the first time, he noticed her lips were the color red. Another change

"You're wearing makeup."

" Well, yes. I've decided to take your advice-Can't believe I am taking the advice of a brat, but I am.-I'm putting myself out there."

"I never said that."

"Not directly."She preened, giving her fake hair a fluff. " So, I'm trying to attract men."

"That's disgusting."

Abigail's very bright smile twitched. " Thank you for being so happy for me." She said sarcastically.

"I thought you had to work. Many mouths to feed."

"Yes," Abigail nodded. " But the whole world won't end if I don't go to work for a day or two. They won't die either."

Fixing his gaze on the computer, Cody continued with his chess match. He was close to capturing the king. It'd be his fifth win. " Then shouldn't you spend it with the men?" He grimaced as he said it.

"And miss tormenting you with my face? No." She then leaned in, lowering her voice. " I saw this fine doctor on my way here today. I think he likes me."

Not wanting to hear anymore, Cody covered his ears. Abigail threw her head back and laughed. Just then, a nurse walked in with a tray. It was almost time for his medication.

Abigail produced a flood flask from a black nylon bag. Inside was a meal Cody had never had before.

"What's that?" He asked, eyeing the content uncertainly.

"This is boiled unripe plantain and vegetable stew and chicken. I made it myself."

Cody, who'd only eaten his mother's food, folded his arms and sat back. Despite being famished, he rejected the food as she held out a spoonful.

Shrugging, Abigail ate it instead, ensuring she made a show of chewing slowly and savoring the taste. "Hmm...hmmm," she moaned, eyes closed. Then she pointed at the food, nodding. "This is so good."

The aroma made Cody's mouth water. He swallowed, watching her.. When she reached in for the chicken, Cody held her wrist. " The food is mine right? Why are eating it?"

"You didn't want-"

He put his laptop aside and pulled the food to himself. Grinning triumphantly, Abigail handed him the spoon.

He grimaced in disgust. " Your saliva is on it."

"I'm so sorry, your highness," shaking her head, she reached into the nylon bag and brought out another spoon, rinsing it. " So how does it taste?" She asked after he'd taken his first bite.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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