Chapter 6

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Early the next morning, Rita and Huma had awoken to laborious breathing. They sat on Rita's bed watching Uche complete sets of sit ups, push ups and other exercises.

"And she does this every day?" Rita said to Huma out of the corner of her mouth, and blinked in amazement when the girl affirmed with a nod. "Wow."

The soft light of dawn glowed off Uche's face and chest which were sleek with sweat from almost an hour of work out. Ignoring the idle chatter and the watchful gazes of her roommates she pressed on, already used to people finding her routines strange.

Done, she jumped up and  was finishing with some stretches when Rita approached her.

"So this is how you maintain this banging body?" Rita said as she looked Uche over, having never seen her scantily dressed often. " With that big shirt of yours, it's hard to make out anything. Can you be any more amazing. Wow.....look at that toned tommy. Gawd when?" Intending to touch, she reached out like a person mesmerized when Uche came up for a side stretch, her night shirt ridding up, and winced as the hand was slapped away. She glimpsed the scar from before as she shook off the pain. She saw Uche watching her and pretended not to have noticed. "You think you could coach me. I still have some fat around my abdominal region, believe it or not. Anthony likes fit girls. Just to make me more appealling."

Uche looked at her knowingly. " I could, but there'd be no point when you eat waffer biscuits, springles and drink a liter of soft drinks at night. Counter productive, don't you think?"

Gasping, Rita shifted her gaze between the two women. " You guys saw that?" Last night she'd woken up with a terrible hunger pang and had quietly munched on some of the snacks she brought. " That was one time. It's not like it's a habit."

Both women looked unconvinced.

"I was fucking hungry, okay? I get really hungry most nights." Rita let her hands drop to her sides in defeat. " Nah eat I eat, I no kee person."

"You're right," Uche said teasingly. " I'm sure he doesn't mind a few extra folds. Love is blind." she exchanged a small smile with Huma while Rita sneered then harrumphed.

"Whatever," Rita said flippantly. " Go ahead and make fun of me but remember no condition is permanent. Flat tummy today can flab tomorrow. I'm going to take a shower."

"Ah, not yet," Uche placed a hand in front of Rita to stop her from moving forward. " I'm going in first. You had your chance."

Feeling indignant, Rita plopped down on the bed beside Huma, huffing air, muttering. "She can be such a bitch sometimes." Then her eyes flew open, suddenly aware of Huma's presence. " Don't tell her I said that."

Smiling,Huma made a zipping up motion across her lips.

Rita smiled back. "That's why I like you so much. You're such a darling. By the way, how's your mother?"

Huma started to sign then caught herself. She looked around her things for her board, but found the text to speech device Uche had given her instead.

"She's doing fine, thank you."

"Don't mention. We are friends, you know."

The word echoed in Huma's mind, feeling her with a sense of warmth.

"That is very efficient, by the way," Rita said, eyeing the device. " I'm not so sure about the voice though. Maybe something more your size." She shrugged.

Huma narrowed her eyes.

"Payback for teasing me earlier,"  Rita smirked triumphantly having gotten the reaction she wanted. "You sided with her. Don't think I didn't see you."

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