Chapter 9

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As they walked back together, Uche fought an internal struggle against her decision. What was she thinking? Something had opened in her. Something old and locked away. It made her uncertain. Suddenly she could feel her grip , one she'd maintained for so long, start to loosen.

Lost in thought, she didn't hear the dry leaves crackle under her feet nor when Lawrence spoke to her.

She gave a start when he touched her arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Uche could see his face in the soft glow emanating from their lanterns. It was etched with worry. She exhaled deeply. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're trying to grasp the situation. I understand. But I want you to know that you can tell me anything."

She frowned slightly at him. "This is only for show. Don't get any ideas." She walked faster, ignoring his soft chuckles. When he caught up, his presence once again by her side, everything that had transpired between them suddenly seemed overwhelming and utterly wrong. Could she really do this? She stopped, turned to him. " Listen...." She began but he silenced her with a finger to her lips.

Surprised by the contact, Uche fell quiet, staring into his eyes as he stepped closer.

"Just trust me." Lawrence said. " I meant everything back there. I will handle it, okay?" He let the finger linger where it was, and for a moment he was tempted to yield to his urges.

He was staring at her in an unusual way. It made Uche uncomfortable.

She stepped back, looking away. " There will be no unnecessary touching. For your own good."

Amused, Lawrence smiled. "Really? You didn't have an issue with it before. I recall you holding on to me a few minutes ago."

" I don't know what you're talking out."

"Of course not,"

She started to walk again when he spoke. "About that night."

"What night?" She muttered, knowing the night of sizzling passion he referred to, the unbidden images flooding her mind.

He was silent a moment, straggling behind. "I'm sorry."

A part of her was mildly surprised to hear those words. When last did a man apologize for wanting her? Usually they'd want more, they'd come back for more. Another part of her felt disappointed?

"You should be."

"You misunderstand me,"

She stopped so he'd walk up to her, and they faced each other.

"I'm sorry for how it ended but I don't regret doing it. Neither am I sorry that I did. I've been meaning to do it since I first laid eyes on you. I know how that sounds--youve heard it a thousand times no doubt. It doesn't make it any less true. I should have had better control make that almost impossible for me, Uchechukwu." He set his lantern on the ground and stepped even closer, expecting her to move away but she didn't. She saw a look come into his eyes. " I've been thinking about it all day. About you." Hesitantly, he cupped one cheek then another when no resistance came. " I know you said no unnecessary touching," he smiled small, " but...." Inches from her lips, he breathed. "You're still sort of my girlfriend now."

Slowly he explored her tenderness like one would dip a foot in a lake to know its depth. He could her breath hitch as she grew still and her face warm. Their nearness, her scent made him euphoric. He gently pried her lips open with his tongue--she let him--deepening the kiss for just a moment, and pulled back, sensing his control slipping.

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