Lion scared of a mouse? (XII)

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-Alexander... I have to check it.

Alexander became even more pale. He was holding his hand on re-opened injury. He looked like... he was scared? No, it's impossible...

And just then I had a thought.

What if I'll make him pay for what he've done to me? For all this pain, for all the trauma and for those two years that I couldn't trust any man.

If I want to do this, then I have to work hard. I have to become someone important here.

Well, it looks like I'll have to practice my actor skills.

I blinked a few times and raised my eyebrows.

-Oh my... - I covered my mouth with both hands and forced a few tears. - What... what have I done... I-I'm deeply sorry, master. I-I didn't mean to hurt you in any way, really. I've... had a really bad experience with boys... M-My doctor said that I may do things without consideration and that they might be a bit random...

Alexander's face begin to regain some color. Angel was right next to him.

-Y-You can take my bed! I can wait outside. I am extremally sorry, master. I really didn't intend to do that.

I started crying almost praying that they won't notice that I'm lying.

-Hey, it'll be ok. I'll help him, so don't worry – said Nathaniel looking at me with a gentle smile.

Maybe he wasn't as handsome as Alexander, but with his warm personality, he really looked like an angel.

No. It went terribly wrong last time when I thought of something like that. I have to be carefull.

My new boss now looked better, but he was still pale. It looked like he calmed down from a shock. But why did he react so much? Was it possible that our big, brave lion was scared of little, terrified mouse? He was the one who tortured me until my mind could no longer work normally. He made feel so much pain that I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Angel looked outside my room for a moment. He told someone that master wants to walk through corridors alone, so everyone on his way should go somewhere else. He turned back and took Alexander's arm over his shoulder.

-B-But how am I supposed to repay master for what I've done? – I asked.

-I guess, work hard and show how much you're worth.

Said Angel and walked out with the devil. I closed doors behind them.

Damn it! Why didn't I think of it earlier? I'm glad that I didn't tell him my true identity, but I've hurt him and Nathaniel, so he'll be carefull from now on. I have to focus from now on and I need a plan.

I looked at bag with fluids which was pinned to my arm. I looked around my room. It was small, or so it looked like cause of big bed in the middle. From my point of view on the left side of bed there was a night stand and more on left, there was a door. On the right of the bed there was a glass door leading to a small balcony and on the wall, there was a big and long window. On the other side of room there was a big wardrobe with a mirror on left door. 

I looked at myself in it. My hair wasn't as tangled as I thought I would look like after a week of sleep. I was in a white nightdress. My right arm was bandaged. I had almost healed bruises from the rope on my wrists and ancles. I looked at my face in the mirror. As I've already noticed I didn't have my makeup which meant that a big scar on right side of my face. It was going from my eyebrow, through my eyelids to middle of my cheek. One of not so many scars that reminds me of these days.

Truly disgusting.

After few seconds I looked at my bleeding fist in the middle of a shattered mirror. Suzie came in because of noise and started panicking.


It was already a week since that day. I was asked not to tell anyone about Alexander's condition.

I was starting to get used to living here. Early in the morning Suzie would come and give me breakfast and lead me to the training camp. I don't know why she kept doing that even tho I knew the way there.

Ben was absent, and so the Nathaniel and Alexander. As Ben was gone they sent me another trainer, Raymond.

Rey explained which role Ben chose for me.

A killer.

Rey was especially talented killer and that's why I was learning from him.

I'm not very sure why but they really treated me well here. Better than others. I mean, I lived in the main buliding, I had my own maid, Ben was supposed to train me, but now Raymond is doing it, Angel was treating my wounds in person and not other personel members and finally, I've met master who came especially all the way to my room just to apologize for what Ben did to me.

There are a lot of people here who never saw Alexander, so not many people knows how he looks like.

I looked at my teacher. When I wasn't able to move much, he just talked about things I should know since I'm here. When Angel gave me permit to do light excercises, Rey helped me with rehabilitacion.

He was handsome.

But don't worry too much. I thought that to be here, you have to be pretty and muscled, but I bumped into extremally ugly guy recently. So it turned out that they look for skills and most of guys here just won life lottery and are both beautifull and skilled.

His slightly tanned skin and brown, curly hair beautifully contrasted with his light green eyes under which he had freckles. I think he's little shorter than Angel. He was slim, but was probably as strong as Ben. He most likely wore dark jeans, white shirt which was halfly unbuttoned. He also wore a black watch and a few rings. He had an everlasting like those from military.

He was saying mean things and tried to be an asshole. Yes, tried. True asshole talks and do mean things, but the way he was so gentle with me. Numbers of times when he asked me if I'm ok, if anything hurts me. He was supposed to be great actor, but he couldn't be honestly mean to anyone here.

-Sorry, mr Raymond, but could you please repeat? I didn't write it yet... - I asked looking at my notebook hopeless. He was just talking about best ways to get rid of the body.

-Don't call me "mr", ok? Just call me Ray and if it won't bother you, then I'll also call you by your name.

It's me again! I came back from death!
No, but to be honest, I didn' write cause I felt really bad. Sadly I'll have to stop writing often. I'll try to post every chapter on Tuesdays and sometimes even Thursdays!
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