Did I pass? (IX)

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-NO! – I yelled waking up from nightmare.

I felt cold sweat running down my spine. I could still see his diabolic smile.

My hands and legs were tied to the chair, I was sitting on, with a rope. I tried to move, but it was too tight.

-Looks like you had a very nice dream...

I heard Ben laughing behind me.

-What the hell do you want this time, you fucker?!

-I don't like your tone... But lets begin. The rules are simple. I'll be asking questions and you have to do whatever just to not answer them. But you know... I have to do whatever it takes to test your loyalty...

-And what if I do answer?

He walked around and stopped in front of me.

-We will take your nice friend Thomas here and you're gonna watch his slow and painfull death. Then we'll torture you and finally cut off your legs and leave you alone.

-You fucking bastard!

-Shh... Lets start. What mafia do you belong to?

-I don't belong to any mafia.

-How is it possible? Weren't you just at Lions training camps?

He walked to a small table that I just noticed and took a knife from it. He walked close to me and pressed it on my forearm. He was slowly adding pressure. When the blade finally cuted throug my skin, he began to slowly move it. I felt pain and how blade was slowly cutting a line on my arm. I moaned in pain.

-I don't know what the hell do you mean, you bastard. Training camp? – I laughed trying to hide my anger.

I hate this dick sucking bastard so much. I wouldn't mind if my eyes could kill him.

-You sure are something – he smiled and stopped moving the blade. – We can always work on this attitude of yours...

-Why tho? I like it.

He moved the knife again.

-But I don't – he said completely serious.

He went to the table again and put knife back. He was still standing there.

-Don't you think that it suits me? Unlike those clothes. You really should think this suit through. T-shirt's like any other, but it feeels like those pants could fall itself in any second. Good that I'm sitting, cause you'd have a nice view...

-Could you shut the FUCK UP already?!

He slammed his hands against the table and looked at me with anger. He took a taser and smiled a little.

-Maybe you start talking or I'll use it on you?

-What the hell is wrong with you?! You were the one who told me NOT to answer! So why the act?! Do you like roleplays so much?! Kinky bastard! What you have a small dick, so you have to play the big evil one to feel more confident, huh?!


He yelled and put the taser to my stomach.

1. 2. 3. 4...

-FUCK! – I yelled through clenched teeth.

He held it for five fucking seconds. If he held it any longer he could've killed me. I felt strong chest pain and breathing difficulty. My stomach muscles hurted as hell from the tension.

-Huff...Aren't you afraid... that you may destroy your... pathetic toy?

-Pathetic? From how you sound, it doesn't seem pathetic...

-How about you shut the fuck up...

He put this shit in the same spot as earlier. 5 seconds again.

-Holy fuck! – I yelled.

It hurted so fucking much, but I didn't want him to know that.

-That was soo refreshing! I was sleepy, but now I'm awake. Thank you, mister small dick no brain.

I smiled at him as nicely as I could. I think he didn't like the cute nickname I just gave him, cause he did it again.

-Why don't we go back and continue our little test? So where is the main Lions' hideout?

-How the hell am I supposed to know? I was KIDDNAPED. And if you had a brain, you could easily find it. I mean It's huge – I saw that he flinched. I just said something I shouldn't have, but it wasn't a mistake – Oh, no sorry. Being in one room with person who has so small penis and no balls or brain made everything extremly huge to me.

-That's it!

He threw taser away which was probably useless after using it for long time. He took a nearby baseball bat. He was furious.

-Take that!

He said taking a swing. He hit me strong enough to make me cough with blood. Then he hit me again and again. I stopped feeling pain or I felt it so much that my body didn't know how to react.

-BEN, STOP IT! – I heard familiar voice.

-M-Master Angel?...

Ben looked like he was a little puppy, who did something wrong and is scared of beating.

-What the hell are you doing?! – he said as he came closer to me, looking at my wounds - I told you especially to NOT hurt her! Look at her wound! It reopened!

-B-But master! You're being too kind! I mean she hurted you!

-But she suffered enough that day to pay for it. I'm glad that I've met Suzie on my way to the office.

Angel was really pretty and that's why I didn't trust him. Bcause of the devil I've met before, I hated all handsome men. It may sound funny, but a pretty face put me though hell and caused me to have nightmares every time I try to sleep.

Angel was in mafia and he was nice. I think it's enough to be suspicious.

He gently lifted my shirt.

-Hey! The hell are you doing?! Get your dirty hands off me!

I yelled and tried to move, but he didn't listen. He looked closely at my wounds and looked really worried.

-Please, calm down. Your ribs are probabbly broken. You may not feel it at the moment somehow, but if you're going to move so much they might go through your lungs. Luckly it won't harm your heart, but you still have to be carefull.

I realised he was right. Now that I calmed down I began to feel pain again. The pain was even stronger than before. I was unable to breathe cause with every move that I made, I felt pain from broken ribs.

-I also see that your skin is slightly burned right here... Did he use taser?

-Ugh... Y-Yea...

The pain only grew stronger now. I felt how my ribs moved with my shallow breath making me suffer even more.

-D-Did I... pass?...

[Hi it's me again.

Sorry for the wait, but I think it's ok since I uploaded longer chapter, right?...

If you have any question, please write comment below oart you don't understand or just text me :)

Have good  day/night]

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